Chapter 27

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Jade Leywin POV

| 1.5 years later |

"What are we waiting for exactly?" I asked, I was impatient to get into this dungeon since it would be our first AA class dungeon, after a little more than 2 years clearing A class dungeons with a team of 4 me, Art and Mai managed to reach A class while Jasmine reached AA class, which meant we could finally legally enter AA class dungeons

"For the rest of our party members to show up" Jasmine answered

"We're going in with other people?" I asked confused since we never teamed up with anyone until now

"Yeah, this will be my first AA dungeon and I don't want to take any chances" Jasmine explained

"I just hope whoever shows up is trustworthy" Art commented

"Same, I heard some stories about people backstabbing their party members to save themselves" Mai added

"Well now that's a lucky coincidence" we heard a familiar voice say

Turning around we saw our party members for this dungeon dive and to my surprise it was the Twin horns

"Oh my god, you two grew up so much!" Angela squealed before rushing towards me and Art at a speed that rivaled that of the garuda I killed (I later learned from Virion how that beast was called), taking both of us into her signature over the top bear hug, pressing our faces into her chest

We both tried to get away since neither of us could breathe, keyword tried, we struggled furtively for a minute until a hand reached out grabbing my ear and started pulling

"Ahi, ahi, ahi, Mai I give, I give" I cried out in pain as she was trying to pluck off my ear

She let go and just glared daggers at me pouting slightly

"What was that for?!" I asked angrily while rubbing my ear

"Nothing" she just said turning around

"What's the deal with these two?" Adam whispered at Jasmine

"I'm not sure, but if I have to bet they're probably going out" Jasmine replied

Do they remember I can hear them?

Well it is true that the two of us have grown quite close, we hanged out together whenever we went back home since Aya was mostly busy guarding the royal family and we didn't want to be the third wheel between the 2 lovebirds, it wasn't bad I always had a good time with her for some reason I can just fool around without worries when I'm with her but I'm not sure how to call this relationship, I have like 0 experience when it comes to that despite having lived another life I never had any feelings for anyone, I did have several physical relationships but feelings were never involved so I honestly have no idea how I should handle this, oh well I'll see how things evolve

"Now that we're done with the greetings, let's go over the formation" Helen declared

Apparently everyone have done the greetings while I was lost in thought

"First of all, I suppose all of you improved right, what level are you now?" Helen continued addressing us

"I reached the solid yellow stage and unlocked the sound deviant although I only just started using it in fights" Jasmine said

"Light orange with cracks, I technically managed to unlock sound as well but I'll only use fire and lighting unless we're in a life-threatening situation" Art told her

"Solid orange" Mai replied curtly still angry

"Light yellow with cracks also I can use my 2nd stage if things get dicey" I concluded

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