Chapter 64

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I walked through the lavishly ornate halls of Taegrin Caelum, the servants and guards stepping aside and bowing down in reverence and fear at my passage

I reached my destination, the High-sovereign's throne room, the guards stationed at the sides of the massive, ornate, double doors bowed down to me before opening the doors, I stepped inside and walked down on the thick, crimson carpet placed at the center of the room leading to the High-sovereign's throne, a massive seat made of obsidian and finely decorated with gold and gems with scarlet red velvet cushions, the High-sovereign was sitting there his scarlet eyes boring down at me, those eyes always made me uneasy, I felt like they were staring at my soul

I stopped 15 meters from the throne like etiquette established and dropped down on one knee my head low, staring at the floor

"High-sovereign, I retainer Uto, have returned from my mission, I am pleased to inform you that I have succeeded in capturing the lesser kid known as Jade Leywin as you ordered" I declared as I dropped the lesser boy I was carrying with my left arm on the ground

He was completely chained and mana cuffed and yet he shot me a glare full of rage and hatred, I like this boy, it appears he still has some fight left in him, oh I truly look forward in seeing him break under the high-sovereign's experiments

"Well Uto you proved yourself useful this time" I suppressed a grin as the high-sovereign addressed me

"Your words flatter me high-sovereign”

"Now, we have wasted far too much time and resources on conquering that lesser continent, tell me Uto what is the next move for the war?" The high-sovereign questioned me, why? he's the one that devised the plan why is he asking me about it? Whatever the high-sovereign has always been incomprehensible

"Due to dicathian interference we lost all the dungeons in the beast glades so we started using long range tempus warps to transport our army thanks to the dwarves, in about 6 months we'll have enough troops to launch a massive attack on the elven forest, retainer Lyra will lead the attack, I will take charge of the operations in Darv to break the current stalemate while retainer Cylrit will lead the offensive against the defensive structure the dicathians call The Wall, scythe Seris will also depart for Dicathen in a few weeks and will oversee all the operations" I replied


Suddenly the throne room started spinning and changing, I noticed my left arm also became more and more transparent while the lesser kid disappeared, looking around I noticed the high-sovereign got up and walked closer to me before his appearance started trembling and changing too

Soon instead of his scarlet eyes a pair of sapphire blue eyes gleamed in the darkness, his features changed and I found myself in front of the lesser kid I defeated days ago and the throne room turned into a dark, filthy and fetid cell

"...thank you for the information, Uto" the lesser kid addressed me sneering

What's happening, I-I defeated him, I brought him to Alacrya, this this shouldn't be happening, I won, I won! I won right?

' Who's the lesser now? '

Suddenly the last sentence I heard from the lesser kid came to mind, lesser? me? nonononononono, I reached out to the shadows but felt nothing, I tried to will mana into my body, nothing



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