Chapter 109

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Jade Leywin POV

Flying out of the portal I slid to a halt and watched as the connection with the portal in the zone we were in was cut

I turned around and observed my surroundings, a group of soldiers were staring at us uncertain on what to do, Caera approached them

"I am Caera of highblood Denoir, I've been sent on a mission to gather allies by lady Seris, I request a meeting with her as soon as possible" she told them

One of the soldiers sprinted away most likely to relay what happened to Seris and we were told to wait in front of the portal


The sudden sound of a stomach growling drew our attention and we all turned towards its source, Caera was clutching her abdomen while her face was beet-red

"Please tell me you didn't hear that" she mumbled

"I think even the people outside of the Relictombs heard you, Caera" Arthur commented

"At least pretend otherwise, I know we had been fighting for some time but still we ate just before entering the tempus warp" she hissed

"Ehm that might be my fault" I spoke up

Everyone stared at me confused

"When I patched up her ankle, that was a phoenix mana art, I basically increased her natural healing and that must have consumed a ton of calories, so yeah you should really eat something" I explained and they just nodded



Several voices cried out and a fairly well built, olive haired man embraced Caera out of nowhere, judging by her flabbergasted expression she was just as confused as the rest of us

"Caera, oh Vritra's horns, you're safe" the woman of the trio exclaimed

"I see quite a lot happened during your stay in Dicathen" the man at her side added staring at her horns

"Lauden, if you could stop crushing me please" Caera muttered clearly uneasy

"Oh, right, of course" Lauden said awkwardly as he let her go

"Father, mother, I think I can say the same about you, I'll be blunt but I didn't expect you to join lady Seris" Caera greeted her adoptive parents

I'm pretty sure her relationship with her foster parents was strained to say the least, what the hell is happening here?

"Hah, you can thank our dear uncle for that, he made the call for us" Lauden stated venomous

"My brother took advantage of the chaos that followed the events of the Victoriad coupled with lady Seris's revolution to declare me and by extension Lenora and Lauden traitors of the Vritra, it didn't help that you were one of lady Seris's closest aids and that we exposed ourselves to take Grey under our patronage, we were thus forced to flee from our estate and join the ranks of the revolution, well to be honest I was seriously pondering about joining anyway, way too much alacryan blood had been spilled in this pointless war against Dicathen and that made clear that to the high-sovereign we are nothing more but expendable pawns for his glory, still I would have liked to bring the whole power of the Denoir highblood with me instead of just knocking on lady Seris's door basically begging for protection" Corbett explained

"I need to report to lady Seris about my mission" Caera told them

"I'm afraid lady Seris is not available at the moment, nor she will be any time soon" a new voice spoke up and we turned around to see Cylrit marching towards us with several attendees in tow

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