Chapter 47

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Jade Leywin POV

"Hahahahahah! I knew you two had more gold in those brilliant heads of yours!!!" Gideon yelled as he quickly burned through the blueprints I made, he was looking like a child on Christmas morning excitedly opening one present after the other

"Wait two? Who else are you referring to Gideon?" Blaine inquired

Gideon didn't even register him as he kept going through the blueprints

"I NEED TO GET TO WORK NOW!!!" he yelled as he started rushing out, I quickly conjured a little void behind him, stopping him on his tracks

"Before that we have things to discuss, after that you'll be free to work all you want" I said

"Artificer Gideon I don't know how much you heard but soon a war will start, a war against the recently discovered continent of Alacrya, for that reason we called you here to develop artifacts so Dicathen will have a better chance at winning" Virion stated

"Specifically we need you to focus on these with the utmost priority" I added handing him the blueprints of the tempus warp and another artifact I designed

"This?! This is a teleportation gate?! How?!" Gideon yelled

"That's actually alacryan technology, I managed to reverse engineer what they call tempus warp which is basically a more refined version of the teleportation gates we have here in Dicathen, unfortunately alacryan technology is incompatible with dicathian one as the way our magic work and the materials we have are vastly different from what the alacryans have, your job will be to find a way to adapt that project to our technology, the second blueprint is already finished I just need someone to build it" I explained

"What's the second blueprint?" Buhnd asked

"A simple artifact that will use illusion magic to allow anyone to see what my spy-golems see in real time while displaying a detailed map of Dicathen complete with all troops movements, ours and alacryans" I illustrated

"And you call that simple?" Bunhd commented

"With something like that keeping watch of alacryan movements will be a joke, also we'll have constant updates about the overall situation of the war, tactical wise this will be a great weapon" Virion pondered

"Speaking about watching alacryan movements, this will really be useful so I suggest we build a couple more" I said as I withdrew the artifact I made to intercept alacryan communications

"What's this?" Gideon eyes it perplexed

"Remember the communicators I gave you, those are based on alacryan technology too I tinkered a little with them to adapt them and while doing so I found a way to intercept communications, basically we can eavesdrop on any conversation happening across our continent as long as they're using long range communicators, of course I made ours encrypted so if they ever come up with the same idea they won't be able to spy on us" I clarified

"I reiterate what I said yesterday, remind me to never ever fight a war against you" Virion just muttered

"Hahaha..." I just gave them a wry laugh

"Wait you're the one who designed this communicators?!" Blaine shouted

"Yeah, I sold the project to Gideon asking for a partnership in exchange" I revealed

"I'm not even surprised anymore" Buhnd mumbled

"As for the tempus warp you have 3 months to find a way to build it if you can't we'll deploy our other project which make use of a modified version of your steam engine to power a land vehicle capable of transporting large amounts of goods named train, since you're the one who designed it you shouldn't have any problems in adapting it right?" returning serious Virion addressed Gideon again

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