Chapter 34

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Jade Leywin POV


"WHAT THE?!" I jolted up in my bed at the sudden cry of pain spells already forming around me and my body fully augmented


"Oh, it's them" I muttered as I canceled my spells and stopped augmenting my body before laying down again

*Knock knock*

"Jade, are you awake?" I heard Mai call from behind the door of my bedroom

"Yeah" I said tired

"Are you presentable?" she asked

"More or less"

"You're not half naked right?"

"No just get in"

I heard the door open and saw Mai standing on the doorway, she was wearing her uniform which consisted of the standard female battlemage uniform with the cloak of the Student Council draped around her shoulders as a top and a pair of tight fitting blue shorts as bottom coupled with black boots that covered her shins ending just below the knees

"Mother asked us to wake up you two, get ready they're waiting for you in the dining room for breakfast" she declared

"You're not going to join us?"

"Nope, princess Tessia and I have to go, the SC will give a speech in the morning at the general assembly so we have to get there earlier than regular students, see you at school" she said before running off

I should get ready, getting out of bed I headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower, using a towel and fire magic to dry myself I took out my uniform and dressed up, it was the standard male scholarmage uniform so just a white shirt with a blue jacket and paired pants and a black pair of loafers

Checking myself quickly at the mirror to see if everyone was alright I exited my room and headed for the stairs, I met Art on the way for the dining room

"So, how did your lovely wife wake you up today?" I asked him grinning

"Urgh, forget it she body slammed me landing elbow first on my stomach" he groaned as he rubbed his stomach

"Ouch! Good thing you're a beast tamer a regular human would have died by now giving her methods" I said wincing in pain at the thought

We continued talking as we reached the dining room where our parents, Ellie and the Helstea were eating

"Oh finally, you're two are almost late you know? And this is your first day!" mom reprimanded us as we walked in

"We're perfectly on time mom, Lilia, Tess and Mai had to go earlier for SC stuff we're regular students" I replied as we sat down, over the last few months I started calling Tessia 'Tess' at her request, Mai also called her Tess although she would still refer to her as 'Princess Tessia' if she wasn't around

"I still can't believe you two of all people choose to enroll as scholar mages instead of battlemages" Tabitha commented

"Well honestly there's not much we can learn in terms of combat, although we'll still take a couple of courses, I always had a knack for artificing and I kinda reached my limit in what I can learn by myself with just books" I replied

"Besides you're supposed to learn at school, it would just be a waste of time if we go there just to show off our abilities without learning a single thing" Art added

"If anyone and I really mean anyone told me something like this I would be surprised by the extreme maturity" Tabitha noted

"Still I heard from Lilia that there's quite the bias against scholar mages, will you two be alright?" Vincent asked with a worried tone

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