Chapter 32

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Author's Note
Hello author here, I have no idea how in the world this happened but somehow this fic managed to get rank 2 in #tbate and rank 1 in #thebeginningaftertheend I honestly can't believe this but I give my sincerest thanks to all my readers and to celebrate this enjoy a double update today

Jade Leywin POV

"Well, that was quite the adventure" dad declared with a stupefied look

We are currently in the living room of Helstea mansion and we just finished telling everyone about Hell's gate, after defeating the boss we all agreed in simply waiting for help to arrive since Art and I were exhausted and 40 minutes later Aya reached us in the boss room, to say she was surprised upon learning we defeated a SS class mana beast would be an understatement

Escorted by Aya we made our way out of the dungeon and parted ways with The Olympians to return home at Xyrus, since the Eralith family was also in Xyrus (discussing with the other royal families about the imminent formation of the Council) it has been decided that we would all meet up in Helstea Manor

"Yep, I still don't know if we have rotten luck or good luck" I commented

"What could possibly be good in encountering a SS class mana beast?" mom asked, surprised by my comment

"Well let's just say we befitted greatly from this" Art added as I took out the beast core we got from the boss

"Dad catch" I said as I threw the core at dad

Dad caught it midair effortlessly and gave me a confused look at first which soon turned into an astonished one as he realised what I threw him

"Use it" I said simply

"I-I can't use this, you two risked your lives to get this I can't just take it" dad started saying

"Just use it dad in that core there should be enough mana to take you into the dark yellow stage and that's not even the best part" I retorted

"What do you mean it's not the best part?" dad asked me confused

"Beast cores can have more than just mana inside them dad" Art said

"Don't tell me..." Virion jumped up

"Yep, it has an intact beast will inside, a SS class fire type beast will" I said confirming his hunch

"A SS class beast will huh? I can't even imagine how much gold it would be worth if you decided to auction it off" Vincent noted and dad started looking at the core with an almost frightened expression

"Just take it dad, we don't need the money and we both already have beast wills, also you're going to need it if you want to catch up to us" Art added grinning

"What stage are you two at?" Virion asked curious

"Dark yellow with cracks, I should be able to reach solid before starting Xyrus Academy" Art replied

"Dark yellow and you're not even 12 yet, this is just ridiculous" Vincent muttered

"And I thought I managed to at least reduce the gap between us" Tessia commented looking a bit depressed,  she did manage to reach light orange but she didn't join us in the beast glades since it only happened a week ago and at the time we were already leaving for our last dungeon dive

"What about you Jade?" dad asked excited

"Initial silver"

Everyone's jaws just dropped at this as they stared at me wide eyed unable to even voice their surprise

"Pff, you should see your faces" I commented

"Congratulations Jade, I'm sure you worked really hard for this" Aya was the first one to snap out of her stupor and she complimented me and she hugged me, at this everyone's expressions turned to confusion

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