Chapter 62

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A.N. Hello to all of my readers, I am very sad to inform you that starting next week I will not update this fic daily anymore, I just don't have the time to do so, when I started this fic chapters were less than 1k words now they range from little below 2k to well over 2k and this obviously means I need more time to write each chapter and I don't really have much free time to begin with, so due to this I am very sorry but this fic will ve updated twice a week on Monday and Friday

Thank you for your support and enjoy the chapter.

Jade Leywin POV


I immediately activated [Shadow drive] and dashed full speed towards the tempus warp linked with the base camp, Yozora sensing my dread through our bond started running as well

"What the.... General?" Drogo was startled by my sudden sprint

"BASE CAMP UNDER ATTACK!!!" I yelled without slowing down

I reached the tempus warp in seconds and activated it, jumping inside the pearly oval portal I found myself in the base camp

It was deserted, no one in sight and I couldn't sense anything aside due to the massive mana signature that weighted down on the whole place

Without any other options  I headed towards the mana signature, exiting the camp I found what remained of the guards that were tasked with the protection of the camp, some were impaled while others had been torn apart, limbs and heads littered the place, I felt panic and dread rising, please please please please please please please let her be okay

Half a minute later I reached the location of the mana signature and relief washed over me as mom entered my field of view, she was unharmed

The relief soon turned into pure, unbridled rage as I noticed the state she was in, she was standing with her hands cuffed behind her back completely surrounded by blood iron spikes pointing at her one of which pressed on her throat

"Jade... please... run away" she whispered crying and trembling

This made me explode, I released my [King's force] at full power and turned to face the man who did this

"Well aren't you a feisty one" he stated amused

He was slumped down on a throne made of blood iron, a toothy grin plastered on his face, staring at me with amused eyes

"Uto" I spat out

"Yep, that's me pup"

"General, what happened here?" Drogo asked as he and the rest of the Trailblazers arrived

"Oh ho we have a public now, great, I am retainer Uto and I'm here to make you an offer little lesser, join us, the high-sovereign is very interested in you especially since you managed to kill Jagrette" Uto offered

"I killed Jagrette and I'll kill you too"

"Hahahahaha!!! I like you, you have a sense of humor but trust me little lesser don't think even for an instant that all of us vritra blooded are as weak as Jagrette was because you'll be sorely disappointed" Uto scoffed

"Now about my offer, kill every single soldier in this room to prove your loyalty to Alacrya, if you do so I'll spare you and your family, hell I'll let that pretty elf over there live too, the high-sovereign will give you and your family a place in Alacrya to live in, you'll spend the rest of your days living peacefully with your family with more wealth than you can possibly spend, all you have to do is fight this war for us" he continued

Honestly it wasn't a bad offer, my family and Mai's safety would be guaranteed, if I didn't know that neither Agrona nor Uto would ever keep their word I would actually be tempted to accept, my family and Mai would probably hate me for the rest of their lives but at least they would be safe

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