Chapter 25

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Jade Leywin POV

We entered the boss room, the very air felt like lead under the boss' aura

The room itself is huge easily more than 100 meters tall and at least 300 meters wide and long, several luminous crystals are scattered across the floor and walls illuminating this place with their pale blue light

"Okay remember just stay back, I'll handle this alright?" I asked Mai

We agreed I would take on the boss alone since she most likely lacked the raw power to do any significant damage to it

"I still think I should help you, even if it's just by acting as a diversion" Mai protested again

"No, we're talking about an S class mana beast here, you could be dead before you even realise you're in danger, I can handle it with [Shadow step] I can dodge pretty much anything" I told her pushing down my own fear in the meantime

Okay calm down, Art takes down the elderwood guardian when he's at the light orange stage and that guy should be stronger than the average S class due to being partially mutated, I am at the solid yellow stage and thanks to my spells and overdeveloped veins and channels my strength should be comparable to a dark silver or solid silver mage, I can do this besides it's just S class a few years down the line I'll have to fight retainers, scythes and most likely asuras as well compared to them an S class mana beast is nothing, just another small fry


I heard a high pitched screech and something flies down the ceiling, it was roughly humanoid in both size and form, it resembled a woman with razor sharp talons as feet, long clawed fingers on her hands, several bone protrusions acting like armor, feathers across her body and of course the massive 4 wings sprouting from her back

I heard a high pitched screech and something flies down the ceiling, it was roughly humanoid in both size and form, it resembled a woman with razor sharp talons as feet, long clawed fingers on her hands, several bone protrusions acting like armor,...

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(Garuda from FF XIV)

Immediately I activated [thunderclap impulse], entered my first stage and fully augmented myself, taking out my daggers and casting [sonic blade] on them I made them vibrate at ultra high frequency so they would cut through anything


The beast screeched again and a giant tornado sealed off the room cutting off our escape route, and she charged at me a tornado forming around her body

Readying myself I used [Railgun] and fired 6 shots at her, 2 aimed straight at her body and the other four going off the sides at her left, right, up and down to prevent her from dodging, she simply emitted another shrill cry and my bullets just pulverised midair

"You've got to be kidding me" I muttered as I used fire, wind and gravity to propel myself backwards trying to keep distance

Unfortunately she was a LOT faster than me, in the blink of an eye she was on me already, I swung my daggers at her but they just bounced against her barrier, she swung her clawed hand at me trying to rip my throat and I used [Shadow step] to get away putting as much distance as I could between us

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