Chapter 87

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Jade Leywin POV

| 6 months later |

"Jade Leywin, it's an honor to finally make your acquaintance and to be able to fight at your side, I'm Lin Oreguard"  a dwarven woman told me while extending her hand as I stepped out of the portal, she was 1,5 meters tall so by dwarven standards she was quite tall, with a square jawline, wide shoulders, arms that were bigger around than my thighs and coarse tanned skin she was probably considered a beauty among the dwarves, she had long brown hair with the tips dyed red tied in a tight braid, she was wearing the standard Lance uniform but on top of that she had a peculiar set of armor, it was formed by countless bands of metal intertwined together forming the plates that covered most of her body


"Yes, Doradrea is my little sister" she clarified

"Mica is also glad to have you here, Mica hopes that with you we'll be able to retake Mica's homeland" Mica stated

We were currently in a camp just beyond Sapin's southern border where the fertile lands of Sapin were starting to turn into the great desert of Darv, this will be our base of operations for the time being regarding the liberation of the kingdom of Darv

In the last 6 months after we managed to repel two of their scythes, alacryan activities across Dicathen dropped virtually to zero almost everywhere, the only place with confirmed movement was Darv and since the dwarven refugees were starting to grow restless we staged this operation in an attempt to retake the kingdom

I was put in charge of this operation and alongside Mica, Lin, Bairon and around 100000 troops we would have to come up with a plan to drive the alacryans away from Darv or at least retake Vildorial

To avoid an eventual surprise attack Alea, Aya and Tess had been tasked with the protection of the Elenoir while Varay, Mai and Jasmine, who used the second horn we got from Dragoth to reach the white stage, had been assigned to The Wall

Originally I wanted to give the horn to dad but since he was only at the solid yellow stage it wouldn't have been enough to push him into white, also some people might have protested saying that our family was becoming too powerful given that Art hasn't been declared dead yet, on that note with the official rise of three new Lances we finally announced Olfred's death, naturally we couldn't say he had been executed years ago for treason, instead The Council stated that he fell in battle after valiantly standing his ground against an alacryan division buying the time needed for the civilians to evacuate Darv

It kinda pissed me off that a traitor would be remembered and celebrated as a war hero and martyr of the dwarven race but well it was better than the alternative

This deployment also meant that for the first time since we knew each other Mai and I would be apart, back in our adventuring days we used to spend time together even when going back home since Aya was more often than not too busy with her work while I didn't want to be the third wheel between Art and Tess so we kind of naturally stuck together

"Can someone brief me about the situation?" I asked

"I will do it, last week we finished fortifying Sapin's southern border, it's not as good as The Wall but it'll be enough to at least slow down the alacryans in case they resume their activities, we sent scouts to try and find an access to Darv's tunnel system, we found one three days ago and we started preparing an attack to the closest city, Millvern" Bairon reported as we walked towards the command tent

"Do you know what kind of resistance we will find there?" I asked

"Based on the reports, only a few thousand soldiers and some civilians, some are alacryans while others are dwarves that used to live in the cities that fell under the control of the traitorous nobles also the city's gates have minimal fortifications" Bairon replied

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