Everything was silent, no one said a word. You felt sadness in the air and turned your head slightly towards Sasori. His head was inclined downwards, his bangs creating shadows over his eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows sadly. She was working on this jutsu, for him. What did she mean?


"Nonsense," Sasori spoke up, breaking the silence.


A kid Sasori walked out of the house with his parents and grandmother. His parents smiled and waved to him, and headed off to their last mission. Sasori waved back.

"Have a safe journey!" he called as his parents walked away. That very same day, Granny Chiyo was informed that Sasori's parents had been killed by the White Fang of the Leaf. At night, Sasori awoke to the sound of wood rattling against wood. He got out of bed and walked over to the door, opening it. He smiled at his grandma.

"Grandmother Chiyo!" he exclaimed and took a step forward. "Are they here? Have mother and father returned yet?" His smile fell from his face at his grandmother's face. "They're not home?"

"Well, no dear they're not," Chiyo answered. "You see, your parents were... sent on another very important mission and, it looks like they won't be back here for quite some time. I'm terribly sorry."

"Oh," Sasori's eyebrows furrowed sadly.

Chiyo placed her hand on Sasori's head and looked him in the eye. "But I've just received word from them saying for you to stay with me until their return. Well Sasori? Is that okay?"

Sasori looked down sadly. "Yeah."

Days passed and his parents didn't return. He would sit by the window and watch families walk around together. The children looked happy, he only grew sadder. That was when Chiyo showed him the art of puppetry. He spent some time working on two, very special puppets.

One day in his room, he was practicing with those two puppets. He moved their hands to hug him. The mother and father puppets.



"What utter nonsense," Sasori continued.

"Sasori," you whispered. He ignored you.

"Tell me, grandmother, when did you become so senile?" he asked his grandmother. The girl finally managed to sit up. She looked you in the eye.

"Don't you plan on attacking?" she demanded. You shook your head.

"No, I don't plan on attacking," you answered.

"Sakura, are you alright?" Chiyo asked. Sakura turned to her.

"I'm fine. How are you, Lady Chiyo?"

"How peculiar," Sasori started. You and the girl turned to look at him. "That reanimation ninjutsu, I thought the user couldn't bring someone back to the living without trading their own life in exchange?" he asked.

"Sakura's wounds were severe but she was still alive when I used the ninjutsu," Chiyo explained. "So fortunately I escaped without any damage."

Sasori tilted his head towards the ground, an evil smirk on his face. "How very unfortunate," he said.

"Sasori!" you whisper yelled, a warning tone creeping into your voice. The girl got up and held her hand back. Your eyes widened and you got in front of Sasori. The girl's fist connected with your cheek. You flew back a little and trapped Sasori in the belly of your dragon as you landed on your back. You held your cheek as you tasted your blood in your mouth and felt a small stream of blood trickling down your chin. You looked at the girl, her eyes were widened slightly. "Whatever injury you want to cause Sasori, take it out on me!" you growled and stood up, ready for her to attack.

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