"Well my man," you heard Deidara speak and looked at him. Sasori also turned to look at him, eyeing the door in the process. He shook his head in a way that only you and Deidara would be able to see. There was a secret message in his eyes. You frowned and nodded. He didn't want you to get involved in this. "I doubt that you're gonna want to hear this, but I'll just go ahead and say it anyway," Deidara smiled. "I think I'll take care of the jinchuuriki, huh."

"Look, our quota is one a piece," Sasori said.(is that what he says? I couldn't make it out on the video, subs didn't help either). "Don't push your luck, Deidara."

"An artist must always seek ever-greater stimulation," Deidara answered. He turned towards Sasori. "Must his senses go dull on him, my man. Rumor has it the nine tails jinchuuriki is pretty powerful, hm."

How powerful? You asked yourself as you eyed the blonde. You heard Deidara and Sasori arguing about what true art was, again. You sighed. Seriously? Is art the only thing they can argue about right now?! They should worry about not getting killed! The blonde jinchuuriki started yelling again. You ignored their talk and just watched their movements. While Deidara and Sasori were still arguing, the blonde pulled out a scroll and opened it. A large shuriken came out. He grabbed it and charged at the two artists again. Your heart beat increased and your eyes widened. You idiots! Stop arguing about your different points of view in art and pay attention!

The blonde threw the giant kunai at Sasori. Hiruko's scorpion tail came out and blocked it, you sighed in relief. Sasori threatened Deidara and you just rolled your eyes. Those two, they won't change so easily will they? Deidara stood up. He threw a clay bird in the air and made a hand sign to increase its size. You saw the bird float down next to Deidara.

"It's not even in the same league," you heard him say as his bird picked up the Kazekage with its beak. "Compared to your quartets puppet show, huh."

Sasori's puppet's tail shot out towards Deidara. Deidara jumped onto his bird and flew up in the air.

"Huh?" Sasori was now angry, you could tell.

"See you around, my man," Deidara said and he flew out of the cave, his bird swallowing the Kazekage. You took a step forward but stopped, not out of your free will. You glared at Sasori, he wasn't even looking at you! Your fox came running back towards you.

'I told you this would get out hand!' she told you. 'Give me some of your chakra! I'll follow Deidara.'

You focused chakra into your hand. Farubaru brushed against it and you released the chakra. She ran off towards Deidara and jumped on the bird as it headed out.

"Thanks Farubaru!" you whisper yelled.

'Don't worry about it! I'll take care of him!'

Sasori released the chakra threads that held you in place and you looked back at the people in front of you. The blonde and the silver haired man ran after Deidara.

Sasori sighed. "The way I heard it, you'd retired a long time ago," he told the old woman in Hiruko's raspy voice.

"I suddenly longed to see my grandson's face again," she answered. The girl gulped. Sasori's grandma said something to her and walked forward. She pulled out a bunch of kunai from her sleeves and threw them at Sasori. He moved the scorpion tail and blocked all of them.

You gulped. Stay safe, Deidara. You thought. You couldn't be there to protect him in case something happened to him, but you could protect Sasori if he couldn't take this all on his own. Will Farubaru and half of my chakra be enough to protect Deidara? I have to have faith in you! Then you noticed that some of the kunai did rip a bit of Sasori's cloak.

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