"But that day, she was in such a hurry for work that she forgot about the child who was punished by her yesterday to stand on the balcony. It was winter, and there was still snow in the sky. When she remembered, By the time we arrived, the child had frozen to death."

At this point, the woman grinned sincerely and started to laugh, as if she was gloating about her misfortune. The sound of the "giggle" was particularly unpleasant, and there was more blood under the corner of her opened mouth.

It was as if she expected the child she called a burden to die immediately.

Only Ding Yue next to her was angry from the bottom of her heart, "How could there be such a mother!"

Shen Yunzhe thought to himself: This 'Qiulan' in front of you is very likely to be the mother in the story.

"The hateful husband happened to come home that day. He opened the balcony door and saw the dead child. The hateful husband never came home and never helped the woman to educate her. But he thought it was the woman's fault. The woman quarreled with him. , so he came to the Curiosities Exhibition Hall with a knife."

The pale woman grinned as she spoke, blood dripping down.

"The hateful husband chased the woman from the publicity hall to the story hall, and finally caught her in front of the bookshelf and killed her in front of the bookshelf."

"The woman died and the man died too. From then on, their family of three lived happily together again."

In fact, he was not in the mood to listen to this story at all, but the professionalism of the tour guide allowed him to listen to the whole story when he was anxious. The story was a mess from beginning to end, and the only thing that was certain was the thing in front of him. Women are very dangerous and can even affect people's perception.

Before hearing that voice, Shen Yunzhe had no idea that Qiulan in front of him had already turned into this female ghost.

[Just now, I hope to synchronize with you for about 3 seconds. 】

Shen Yunzhe was stunned for a moment.

[Yes, just now Codename Hope is reminding you that this is not my adjustment but Codename Hope takes the initiative. I have said before that Codename Hope has strong mental power and will interfere with you. Fortunately, he did not make any changes. Dangerous move, even helped you. 】

Shen Yunzhe thought to himself: Uncle, the problem now is how to escape!

Otherwise, this is the difference between dying in a daze and dying in a sober state.

All must die!

Ding Yue curiously asked: "Why did the man die after the woman died? Was he sentenced to death after being caught by the police?"

The pale woman giggled: "Because the woman was so cold, her whole body was like a piece of ice, so she killed her hateful husband and used her husband's warm blood to warm herself."

Ding Yue's face was ugly, and he looked like he was regretting why he asked such a stupid question.

Seeing that the scene was about to fall into embarrassment and dead silence, this quiet atmosphere was the most dangerous in this situation, and it was possible that the pale woman would become angry because of it.

Shen Yunzhe looked to the side, and then spoke after a moment, "Are the books on the bookshelf a little messy?"

"In a mess? Are the books in a mess?"

"Yes." Shen Yunzhe lied without blushing, "It seems a little dirty."

The pale woman stood up in a hurry, dragging a long trail of blood to the bookshelf. Ding Yue didn't know why, and didn't understand Shen Yunzhe's sudden words at all. He actually turned around and went to Qiulan in front of the bookshelf after listening to his words.

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