(Chapter 4) All Star Apologies (Part 8)

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Monokuma's routinely eerie morning announcement blasted its message through the chambers of Makoto's room. Stumbling awake from his sleep brought him to the end of the broadcast. Substituting the air with a cold silence as his drowsy mind caught him back to speed. His memory of the previous night reimagining itself vividly.

From Mukuro, her allegiance and the school's role. Finally, his own conviction and belief about Mukuro that he'd boldly told Leon. Subsequently, unveiling everyone else's thoughts and especially Leon's own conviction. At first, he believed that it'd only fuel his frantic mind. Yet, the opposite posed true as upon still finding nothing concrete. A greater understanding came from the meeting, alongside a deeper connection to his friends.

Fighting that calming feeling, doubt still lurked in his mind. Mukuro continued weighing in his mind. Still lacking many questions about her and appeared alone in his thought process about her. However, one person still has kept neutral on the subject, without sharing their own thoughts. Kyoko Kirigiri...

Preparing for the rest of his day, he left for the usual breakfast meeting. Lacking much of a plan, apart from questioning Kyoko about Mukuro, he had expected the day to go quick. Soon as he arrived at the dining hall, he sat down and carried on as normal.

Following the pattern as most of their meetings it brought little apart from heartful chatter to the morning. So, while quickly as it began, it ended with everyone taking their individual leave.

Until the only people left were, Makoto and Kyoko who wore her normal cold iron mask. As she sat quietly drinking tea. 

"U-Umm Kyoko..." Makoto sheepishly spoke up, forcing her to draw back her observant gaze at him. "...I was wondering, if I could just pick your brain a bit."

"Are you wanting to talk about the current issue we're facing ourselves with?" Kyoko quietly theorized upon his frantic changing expression. "At least, I assume as much."

"Something along those lines." He replied back with an awkward look. "It's more about your thoughts on Mukuro."

"Mukuro Ikusaba, hm?" She deeply pondered.

"Well, you could say I'm just more curious..." He paused as he collected his thoughts. "What's your say on the matter?"

"Given our circumstances, providing a concrete answer is near to impossible. In fact, basing anything is hard enough given the lack of evidence to back one or the other." She dryly answered.

"Oh..." He dejectedly responded.

"However, as I see things, there's two possibilities I see likely." She carried on. "Firstly, she's loyal to the cause of the mastermind without a single shred of betrayal in her."

"And the second option?" He anxiously asked.

"The second option, which I assume is the one you want to hear."

"The one I wanted to hear?" He curiously repeated.

"The fact that she may be turned over to our side, if possible." She explained. "Knowing you, that's what you're aiming for. It's simply the kind of person you are, quick to put your eggs into one basket. Until the end you couldn't fathom her being an enemy, and I doubted you'd be quick to turn against her even now."

"Well, that doesn't narrow down anything too greatly." Makoto said with a slight disappointed tone.

"You're right in the fact it doesn't. Boil it down and you'll see that is what most people would initially state. I am no exception and cannot wager either out of the equation yet." She paused. "However, one question remains, what proof shows either side?"

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