A Next Generation Legend, Stand Tall, Galactic Hero! (Part 23)

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"...Appears to be all over now." Byakuya nervously commented. "By one mistake, the turns of fate have changed. Must be what they refer to as, checkmating oneself. How humiliating."

"Then you admit it? You're the killer?" Makoto berated him furiously. 

"It'd be best to confess now." Kyoko coldly reminded him. "You're not in any position to defend."

"What could I even say now? Resist, saying I put a fight till the bitter end...? I forfeit from this game; I had been the culprit." He confessed, with a depressing aurora. "May we get this over with now? I've made my peace."

"Oh, ho, ho...? Is it...Isss it the long awaited and strictly anticipated moment we've all waited for?" Monokuma chanted proudly. "It's time to vote...vote...vooote! Yank that lever of yours boys and girls! Who'll we elect as the blackened of this round? Will you choose wrongly, or rightly!? One choice to guess correctly! What's it gonna be? What's it gonna beee!?" 

...Starting once more, the vote to decide fate was once again unveiled. Certainty, mixed with a cruel sense of anxiety overwhelmed everyone's senses. What was supposed to be the easiest vote, was the tensest. Following each casting of everyone's votes, impatient eyes were drawn to the screen that revealed all. 

|Monokuma Vote|

From the screens hung and displayed in the courtroom. The usual slot machines filled the sights of those watching. Spinning, crazily without any notice, until it began to slow down. Each one landing on one face, the one who had been at the center of it all. That was, Byakuya Togami's face. Music played as coins were blitzing out rapidly through the slot machine. With one seldom word flashing above his head in red...


"Cross the t's, dot the i's...for insurance's sake we'll make it clear! All of us knew that our blackened. Who had crafted this entire freakin' operation, and most notorious for using others was Byakuya Togami!" Monokuma unveiled enthusiastically.

"Happy now?" He shot a hostile look towards Kyoko, scowling tensely. "I think we're done here..."

"No denying it then, he killed the two." Mondo glared anxiously. "It's settled..." 

"Are you intending on making true with your vile brutish promise...?" Byakuya fixed his gaze back to him.

"Nah..." He confessed, with a cold sigh. "Now, I dunno if I could, even if I tried. I wanted to find em, so badly. Now, doubt they woulda wanted that..." 

"I see..." He dryly replied. 

Mondo quickly interjected. "Just... His death, least ya can do is fill in those blank spots, kay?" 

"Suppose it's only fair, even if you have no information to exchange for me." Byakuya relented, with a tried expression. "I'm done, hiding evidence, proving innocence, all of it."

"That so? Lemme know then...What exactly was your game with Chihiro?" He asked tensely. 

"Chihiro, hm?" He beamed a smile forcefully. "An interesting topic..." 

"By any chance, was it, your motive?" Celeste quickly spoke up.

"Motive?" He repeated curiously.

"Ah yes, for you to seek such unusual cooperation. Had you, perhaps manipulated him?" She revealed with a smirk. "Pairing, so you can reap the reward only to end up betraying at the end?"

"Manipulation!? Imagining I'd succumb to something you'd do is an insult if I've ever heard one!" He acidly snapped back. "I hadn't been swayed one bit by my motive. My interest lies not in the reward at the end. Money has no say." 

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