(Chapter 4) All Star Apologies (Part 1)

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Aoi had been the first to have her life ripped away. Killed by Sayaka who was executed as punishment. Next, Hiro's life was influenced by two different people. Yet in the end, Taka paid the price with his life. Toko, who'd been crudely taken advantage of, was killed by an unrelated accident. Followed by Chihiro, before Byakuya at fault for both their deaths, was executed. 

This game continuously stripped people of their lives. The mastermind playing with them like children's toys. All for what, their sick twisted enjoyment? Death was constantly laughing at everyone, which left Makoto in a constant state of fear.

If the victims mounted up, would everyone's trust crumble? Unity, bonds, friendships, as time seemingly progressed. Would they all fall apart? Will they all cease to cooperate? 

"A game of betrayal..." the phrase rang out in Makoto's mind. 

Before Byakuya had been killed, he reassuringly spoke to the survivors. Amongst them all, a traitor existed. Kyoko Kirigiri was the most likely suspect. Would that traitor, become his own end? Like what Byakuya said, will that be the result of his own demise?

What will happen to everyone? Who did this? What's happening to himself? Makoto's mind frantically switched from one topic to the next. It was all a blur, a cold blur that he couldn't piece together. Rather, he currently lacked the capability to do so. All those were, was thoughts unable to fit with one another.

Slowly, with a struggled moan. All thoughts escaped him, erasing as if they'd never existed before. His head throbbed painfully, with a cold sweat emerging.

"A-Augh..." He groaned out. 

Painfully, Makoto awoke. His entire body stiffened and cricked while he forced himself up from the tough concrete flooring. The eerie premise of the cramped room greeted his half-asleep state. As a faint fickle light illuminated his surroundings.

He examined the shelf in front of him, upon doing so a ringing erupted in his head. The entire contents had been mysteriously wiped clean. Even the yearbooks weren't spared from this purge. Strangely, the details regarding the incident remained fuzzy. 

All he could reason was someone had entered from the outside. Furthermore, the doorway that he had come from was closed off, which assured him of his theory. The question of who alluded him though. 

Gently pressing his hand against the wall, it easily opened. And slowly he left the secret room. The blinding bathroom lights quickly immobilized him for a second, as he gazed around the room. However, something struck his curiosity.

"The fake Alter Ego is gone...!?" Makoto blurted out loud. 

Right, he clearly remembered that black bag was undoubtedly there before he entered. Just where could it have gone, or who'd want to take it? That Alter Ego had nothing to hide, it was empty. Even the mastermind would've known. So why take them too? 

As he stared down, a sudden interruption broke through his concentration. 

"Makoto! Makoto!" A feminine voice boomed out. 

"H-Huh...?" Makoto sheepishly said. "Who would be calling for me...?"

Quickly pacing out of the room, and back into the hallway. Makoto came face to face with a familiar person. As she expressed a worried but cold expression. 

"Junko!" Makoto called out in shock.

"Makoto...!? My, can you like not just jump out of the room like that." She remarked with a frown.

"Sorry!" He quickly apologized. "I didn't mean to, or rather I didn't think you'd be right there..."

"Oh? Musta startled you, huh? You just came from some suspicious as hell place. You weren't doing something, wrong, hm?" She teased, as she wore a wide grin. 

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