To Survive (Part 10)

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There was an uncertain atmosphere, everyone was shocked at what had exactly just happened. Junko, after breaking one of Monokuma's rules was given a punishment. Numerous spears, all coming from mechanisms located within the floorboards were sent flying directly at her. However, at the last second, Junko was pushed out of the way and Makoto was standing in her place. 

One spear was piercing straight through his right shoulder, while the other was piercing above his right hip bone. The other spears had either missed him entirely, or only slightly grazed his skin. And yet, he wasn't even able to notice the feeling, as a feeling of warmth encroached upon him. Until it finally hit him, he was pierced straight and now bleeding. 

Mostly everyone was screaming, with Sayaka beginning the chorus. The more sensible people such as Byakuya and Kyoko tried to begin assessing the situation. As the others jumped straight to panicking. And Junko fell straight to her knees, with her world seemingly breaking apart. 

"Gah!" Makoto groaned out, the shock and pain all beginning to set in, while the adrenaline faded. "A..Ah...I-I won't let you..kill anyone else..." It was clear that the pain was beginning to cut his words off right then and there. But for one reason or another, he chose to keep speaking. 

"Damnit, you idiot, stop trying to speak." Byakuya snapped at him. "That'll just end up killing you even faster."

"No, it appears that the spears haven't hit anywhere that'd be considered a major organ." Kyoko observed. "He'll live but he needs treatment right away or else he'll die." 

"E-Everyone is d-dropping like flies." Toko stammered. 

"The hell!" Monokuma yelled out. "This is-fine, I'll deal with this later." 

"Help him, please!" Sayaka exclaimed. "He's going to die! please I beg you, help him!" 

"Why should I?" Monokuma pouted.

"You had chosen to punish Junko for breaking a rule, but now Makoto who is innocent has suffered the consequences." Sakura tensed up, as she spoke in a loud booming voice. "We have had not only Hina, but now Makoto suffer because of you. If you continue to be this brutish, then we should have no part in this game." 

"Please...just save him!" Sayaka begged as she ran up to Makoto. "H-He shouldn't have to-!"

"Damnit, alright I'll help him." Monokuma relented, and throwing everyone back into silence. "It'd be against the rules of the game to let him die like this. I can't break a rule, even if it's me."

"And what will happen to Junko?" Byakuya replied nonchalantly. "After all, she did break a rule, did she not?"

"Shut the fuck up man!" Mondo barked. "Now ain't the fuckin' time!" 

"Urg, damnit! I didn't prepare for this. Why can't you all let each other die!" Monokuma mumbled. "Just know this, Junko Enoshima. You're on thin ice, the thinnest ice there is. Next time you won't be so lucky." 

Junko stood in utter disbelief; she kept on muttering words that were too quiet for the rest to hear. She watched as Makoto, who was on the verge of fading out of conscious was escorted out of the room by two different Monokuma's. 

"This wasn't supposed to happen." Junko spoke up. "I'm so sorry, Makoto." As soon as she went quiet, he slightly turned his head back.

"I-It's, okay." He coughed out, as blood emerged from his mouth. "I-I forgive you." Then Makoto left the gym with the two different Monokuma's.

The first Monokuma shook his head. "There's a lesson to take away from all this. Even if this time, Junko had gotten saved by that damn lucky student. I think you all should get this by now." Monokuma raised his voice louder than ever before. "You all know how serious I am now. If you defy me, you'll die. Impaled, buried alive, burnt, disintegrated, and so on. As long as you don't want to be impaled like how Miss. Enoshima almost did, then I suggest you keep on following the rules." 

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