(Chapter 4) All Star Apologies (Part 2)

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Time had swiftly passed by, absorbing most of the morning in the process. Until finally, several of the remaining students eventually entered the cafeteria. First being Kyoko, whose entry had halted all side conversations.

Despite Makoto's own personal beliefs, Byakuya's words still held great weight under everyone. Even now, a feeling of uneasiness envelopes a few others. Leading to everyone idly watch, as she took her seat, without any warm greetings parting from their lips.

Next was an unusual entry. Hifumi, whose eyes were lumped with bags as he isolated himself from the group in a faraway table. He's continuously refused to mutter anything, or rather, he's been unable to. After his incident with Celeste which revealed how he'd almost killed Toko. He's gone quiet, almost as if he had no presence.

Finally, Mondo entered, and he quickly observed everyone. "So, only us seven are here now?" He broke the silence as he let out a depressing sigh.

"Loneliness has begun to grow commonplace." Kyoko coldly noted.

"That's true." Junko sluggishly added.

"Figures for Celeste. We're not gonna even be able to run with everyone here." Leon displeasingly said.

"She hasn't bothered to open the door to talk; hell, she just off and ignored me!" Mondo admitted with his head hung low from shame.

"Guess getting everyone here's just impossible. A pipe dream at this point." Leon bluntly proclaimed.

"Sadly indeed." Sakura disapprovingly responded. "Even now, we can't all stand together."

"Look, maybe we should just go on without her for today." Mondo interjected.

"Huh!? But, how come? Hadn't you like really wanted everyone else to be a part of this meeting?" Junko asked, with a surprised expression.

"Not like I can break her door down, can I?" He cracked his knuckles.

"Okay...yeah I suppose not. That'd be a bit troublesome." Junko awkwardly retracted her statement.

"Moving on." Kyoko dryly said. "Mondo, even if we're not whole in numbers. I assume you still had something you wished to discuss."

"Guh, somehow you knew, and I didn't need say nothin'!" Mondo surprisingly exclaimed.

"You'd still summoned us all here by your own wish." Kyoko casually pointed out. "I had thought you would have at least one announcement to make."

"True... puts me in a bit of a spotlight though. Just...feels wrong sayin' it now of all times." He responded tensely. "Before I can, I got somethin' real important first off!"

"W-What'cha mean?" Leon anxiously murmured.

"I don't know for how long... just we can't get anythin' done with it!" He roared out. "So nuff of this shitty atmosphere, everybody!"

"W-What, hey where did this come from?" Leon backed up defensively.

"Tch, don'tcha see!? Even I can tell that we're all lookin' real scary right now! Almost as if we're ready to just rip one anotha apart!" He shook his head repeatedly.

"H-Huh...?" Junko was stunned into silence, with everyone following behind her.

"Nobody's real sure of what to do next. Things clearly ain't gonna be like what they used to be either." He exclaimed. "If we can't be expected to pick up whatever the hell remains, how the hell we gonna move forward with ourselves?!"

"Move forward...?" Leon parroted. "But..." His swift attempt at protesting was silenced.

"Look at that shrine..." As he said this, he carefully picked up the fake Alter Ego. "We're really stupid, huh? Is it really what he said back then!? Tell me, is what he said what's makin' people so nervous and tense!? Even after we've lost so much, I sure as hell can't feel the same! Not if that's what they'd want us to avoid!"

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