(Prologue) Chapter 1: Welcome to Despair (Part 1)

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   A dim light shines down on to a mysterious bear, with half of the entire body being black and the other side being white. The creature watched as a man tied down to a chair struggled in vain. His arms tied down to the chair; his eyes covered with a blindfold. The bear looked down to a red button that was directly in front of him and pressed it.

A giant rocket ship with a replica of creature's head on top of it. The ship had the appearance of an iron maiden. The ship was dropped directly behind the man. The man began to scream as loud as he could. His rough and coarse screams echoing throughout the room until he was locked directly inside the rocket ship. With only silence remaining outside of it. 

The bear's eye on top of the ship lit up and two engines move out from the side of the ship. 

"Blast Off"

Flames burst out from the bottom of the ship, as it begins to lift up and start drilling through the floors directly above it. It bursts out of the building and flies into a cartoonish looking world. The engines cut off as the ship begins to slow down until it drops right back down. The engines kick right back on once and the ship blasts right back down to earth.

The room shakes as the ship crashes right back down into the middle of the classroom that the bear was in. The doors slowly opened as the dust in the room began to settle. The only thing that remained of the man was his bones. 

The bear looked on and began to start quietly snicker at the man. 

The massive high school towers over all the other buildings in this bustling urban area. It's like the school stands at the center of the entire world. 

Hope's Peak Academy...

It brings in top students from every field imaginable. A government-funded school of privilege. They say that if you come here and manage to graduate, you'll be set for life. With hundreds of years of tradition, it sends the cream of the crop into the work force every year. It was built to raise hope in the nation's future. which makes Hope's Peak a pretty fitting name. 

There are two things you need to attend this school. One you have to already be attending high school. Two, you have to be the very best at what you do. No ordinary student could enroll here. The only way in is if you're scouted by the school itself. And standing there at the game of the ultimate school filled with the ultimate students. 

was me...

Before we go any farther, I guess I should introduce myself. My name's Makoto Naegi

As you can see, I'm nothing but a hopelessly average high school student

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As you can see, I'm nothing but a hopelessly average high school student. Average on the outside, average on the inside. I really don't have much going for me when it comes to grades, special abilities, even personality. I mean yeah, I have hobbies and stuff I like to do, but it's not like a psychic or mutant or whatever.  Like, if you asked me what my favorite song was, or my favorite movie or TV show. They'd all just be whatever's most popular at that particular moment. Even among the average, I'm completely average. So, I can't even say I'm your "everyday hero" type. That's just who I am. Anyway, I figure it's always good to introduce yourself right off the bat. But you know, if I have any kind of "strong point," so to speak. I'd say I'm a little more gung-ho than other people. I mean look at me. I'm completely ordinary, but still. Here I am, standing in front of the anything but ordinary Hope's Peak Academy. 

"I still can't believe I'm standing here. I wonder if someone like me can survive in a place like this." However, beyond that, there's an even bigger issue here. How did such an unbelievably average student like me get picked to come this "ultimate" high school? I mean, I guess there *is* a reason. You just have to take one glance at the acceptance letter they sent me to see why. 

"We recently held a lottery to select one ordinary student to attend out school. As a result, you have been selected, and we invite you to join us as the Ultimate Lucky Student." They spelled it out plain as day- I got invited by Pure Luck. Honestly, I probably would have been better off just declining their offer. But after hearing how graduating was a "guarantee for success" later in life, I just couldn't say no. 

But then actually standing there in front of the school. I started to feel lost, like I didn't belong there. I could feel myself losing my nerve. 

"But still... I can't just stand here in front of the gate forever." I clutched my acceptance letter in my hand, my knees trembling. The meeting at 8am in the main hall, still isn't for a little while. However, I should probably just head in.

I gathered up all my determination to make the first step forward. Pretending as if I'd have done this a million times before. As soon as I too my first step forward into the main hall, my vision which was once clear became warped and twisted. The world spinning into a vortex, all mixing together into something unrecognizable. Then the next moment, everything went black. 

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