Boy's Life of Despair (Part 11)

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As Makoto and Byakuya were still looking at the scene of the crime, Kyoko had pulled Makoto aside and started to talk to him.

"Makoto, may I have your attention for a second." Kyoko asked. "By any chance, did you happen to see the smeared up blood?" 

"Huh!? Do you mean the big stain of the blood under Hiro?" Makoto asked.

"Not exactly, look closely at the edge of the stain. Isn't there something off about it?" She pointed right to the big stain of blood.

And as Makoto locked eyes to where she was pointing, he surprisingly saw it. The blood was smeared unusually, and was disconnected and fainter than the blood that Hiro was laying in. But Makoto couldn't understand just what kind of action would cause it, whether it was a body of just a part of the body like an arm or leg. Seeing as the blood and the body would've come first, he suspected that the murderer made the odd smeared blood mark. One idea he came up with was that perhaps it was a trace of the murderer that they never noticed, but Makoto chocked that idea up as a bit too far fetch to safely confirm as true. . 

"Unusual blood smear." has been added to Truth Bullets.

"What could've happened to make the murderer do this?" Makoto thought out loud. "If this  *is* the murderer, then why would they smear the blood of their own victim?" 

"That's a good question." She responded. "Though I have something I need to check on for my own investigation. However, I'll leave you with a piece of advice, I think it might come in as useful later on. You might want to check up on who was in their dorms last night, and those who weren't. I will see you later, and I wish you the best on your investigation and the trial."

With those last few words, Kyoko let Makoto head back before she left the library. But her advice gave him a new idea as to where to look after they finished up here.

But seeing as that was the last piece of evidence they could find. It appeared to have summed up the entire state of Hiro's body. And there were no more clues to be found from him. But something caught Makoto's eye that struck his interest. Standing guard of the body was both Sakura and Mondo. But while Sakura appeared to be focused, Mondo seemed distracted and more distant than his usual demeaner. Although it didn't appear to be much in the way of a clue, he had a sneaky feeling that it might help the investigation. 

"Mondo?" Makoto walked up casually. "Is something the matter?"

"What!?" Mondo snapped. "Oh...yeah sorry. I guess I ain't really focused right now. Shit has been rough." 

"It really has, hasn't it?" Makoto sighed heavily. "I still can't believe something like this could happen..."

"Yeah! Damnit to hell! I still can't believe I didn't even fuckin' hear it happening!" He roared aggresivley. "Why'd the fuckin' place have to be sound-proof all the damn time." 

"Hear it happening?" Makoto repeated. "Were you on this floor last night?"

"Huh, oh yeah, I was just in the locker room." He scratched his head. "Man, I dunno but liftin' some weights last night...It was just somethin' I really needed. A wake-up call..."

"Oh? So, you were up here last night." Byakuya chimed in. "And was anyone else here with you?"

"...Nah nothin' like that. Ya can be sure of that." Mondo scratched his head. "Just me exercising for a couple hours...tried to get Taka to join me but he was on his nightly duties."

"Mondo's account" has been added to Truth Bullets.

"Well, thank you for that Mondo." Makoto frowned. "You don't happen to know anyone else who was upstairs, right?"

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