Boy's Life of Despair (Part 7)

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The time continued to tick by, and before anyone knew it the day had seemingly passed by. It was already nearing nine o'clock as Makoto sat idly on top of his bed. The entire ordeal with Byakuya and Toko, then choosing to spend his time when his friends had nearly drained him. 

Nighttime was going to begin in only an hour, and a short wave of hunger washed over Makoto.  With the long day almost up and the dining hall closing once nighttime occurs, he thought that it would be good to grab something light to eat. 

"Might as well head to the dining hall." Makoto silently mumbled to himself. As he left his dorm and went straight into the hallways, he found they were to be incredibly quiet. Which was too be expected seeing as it was late. But what struck him as odd was Taka not being present. Since by this time he had started waiting outside his dorm in preparation for the nighttime. 

Although he payed little mind to that arrived at the dining hall shortly after. But despite Makoto believing it'd be empty he saw two unexpected people arguing with one another. Which was strangely Taka who looked annoyed and Mondo who was pissed. 

"Your entire demeanor radiates arrogance and cowardice!" Taka roared before he saw Makoto. "Ahaha, Makoto this is but a perfect time to arrive!"

"What do you mean?" Makoto asked curiously. "Is something wrong?"

"Imma need a favor from you!" Mondo demanded, which made Makoto nervous. "Ya see you're gonna have to be our witness! Got that?!"

"W-Wait, why do you need a witness?" Makoto asked.

"Cus this fucker keeps on runnin' his damn mouth criticizing on and on bout me!" Mondo clenched his teeth. "Always sayin' how I'm nothin' but someone who lacks any courage!"

"I only say that because it is true!" Taka retorted. "Someone who uses violence as a means for a solution has no real courage! You have no respect or knowledge of society and so you choose to break the rules and lead your disobedient gang of misfits!" 

"Wanna fuckin' repeat yourself?" Mondo clenched his fist. "You fuckin' tellin' me all this without knowin' shit bout me!" 

"Admit it, you know this is all true!" Taka boomed. "The one person who has defeated you, would be yourself! Except you lack any courage to come to terms with that fact!"

"Oh, now that's real rich comin' from someone like you!" Mondo growled. "You're just a piece of shit with no bite and an annoying yap! And ya think ya got more courage than me?!"

"It's because I actually have courage!" Taka scoffed.

"Huh, wanna see bout that then!?" Mondo roared. "How bout we battle then tough guy! Lemme see what kinda bite ya have, if any!"

"Then it's settled, I shall throw my hat in the ring!" Taka declared. 

"Ya get all that Makoto!?" Mondo threw his attention back over to Makoto. "So, you'll be our witness!" 

"Wait, if you're gonna battle...are you really gonna fight?" Makoto paused. "You know like an actual brawl?" 

"Nah, not anythin' like that." Mondo groaned. "Apparently we've got a bathhouse with a sauna inside."

"Now I seem to understand!" Taka smiled proudly. "You are attempting to have a battle of endurance! So, you wish to see which one of us can stay conscious longer in the sauna! You are on!"

"Alright then, fuckin' show me what you got!" Mondo roared. "Makoto, you're comin' with us!"

"Wait...I don't think-." Makoto tried refusing, but before he could finish his sentence both Taka and Mondo blocked him from side to side. The two of them while still sending glares at each other picked up Makoto and lifted him up. "Hey, what are you guys doing!? Put me down! Please put me down, this isn't a good idea!"

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