To Survive (Part 13, Class Trial)

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[Truth Bullet List for Trial 1.]

"Monokuma File #1" 

A document given by Monokuma detailing the records of the victim.

"The victim was Aoi Asahina. The time of death is estimated to be around 9:50 p.m. The body has been found in the girl's bathroom in the dorm areas. The cause of death was a stab to the abdomen. There was also another cut along her stomach."

"Evidence of a fight" 

In the girl's bathroom, there's a sink which had a number of cracks mysteriously appear. The other sinks in the bathroom had no form of damage. 

"Sakura's account." 

Sakura and Aoi had been eating donuts together before Aoi had been murdered. She reclaims Aoi had frosting all over her face which caused her to go to the washroom to clean up. She also knows that Makoto had been the last one to see her. 

"Frosting remnants." 

There had been a glob of frosting on Aoi's face. In addition to this, there was some frosting in her hands, but it was mostly faint traces. 

"Gold paint."

Glittery gold paint was located around Aoi's stab wound. Despite this, the paint was above the blood rather than being soaked under the blood. 

"Slice wound."

On top of Aoi's stab to the abdomen, there was a slice mark across her stomach. Despite the wound having gold paint, this slice had no traces of gold paint. 

"Unusually clean floors." 

The bathroom was unusually clean, despite there being no one who cleans the floors. On top of this there wasn't a single strand of hair found on the floor. 

"Incinerator test." 

Byakuya, Hifumi and Leon all attested to being present when seeing whether or not the incinerator had been used recently. The result of the test had proved that the incinerator hadn't been used recently. 

"Trash duty." 

The trash room is unavailable to any normal student. Only the student who is currently on trash duty is allowed access inside. That person is currently Hifumi Yamada. 

"Makoto's account."

When Chihiro had spoken to Makoto, he reclaimed that while he may not have had any in depth conversations with Aoi. He could attest that he was indeed the last known person to see her. There had been no one else who was around her or was following her during this. In addition, he claims that talking was the only thing they had done as he was in the kitchen during the murder. 

"Golden replica sword."

The replica sword that Makoto was in possession of, was coated in gold glittery paint. Whatever this sword comes in contact with gets gold paint on. 

"Apple cores."

There were numerous apple cores in Makoto's trash. They had been recently thrown away and none of which had been rotten. 

"Missing lint roller."

Despite searching all throughout Makoto's dorm room. There hadn't been a lint roller anywhere within the entire room. 

"Taka's account."

During the time of the murder, he had been preoccupied with getting yelled at by Toko. He hadn't seen anyone leave their dorms after Makoto did. However, he claims that he saw Sayaka leaving Makoto's dorm after 11 p.m.

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