To Survive (Part 16, Class Trial End)

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"So Sayaka, will you still object to this?" Kyoko asked.

"W-Why?" Sayaka questioned. "This isn't right. Why are you all blaming me still! This is all just insane, anyone in their right mind would object! Speculation after speculation! You all can't believe just a few coincidences, right? All because I visited Makoto's dorm! It doesn't make me a killer. Don't just assume such things when all you have is just a few loose connections!" Sayaka's face grew a slight red tent as she gradually began to escalate her voice

"Sayaka?" Junko questioned. 

"You all don't seriously believe this right?" She yelled. "I'm not the killer, you have to believe me! There isn't any defining proof either!"

"If that's the way you wish to go about this." Kyoko sighed. "Then shall we present the last piece of evidence that proves your crime. Junko, am I to presume that you have attained that evidence?"

"The last piece of evidence?" Junko asked.

"Yes, because when the killer had retrieved the knife, there hadn't been a way to put the knife back." Kyoko explained. "As it would've already been nighttime. So, there must've been another point in which they had put the knife back." 

Junko wondered. It had to have been a point in which the murderer could've put the knife back. Was it really...? 

"Shut up! You've always been trying to find me guilty with just these dumb speculations! This isn't right, I am not the killer!" Sayaka roared. "Speculations, correlations, whatever the hell! None of it proves I'm the murderer!"

Junko knew she needed to do this. Something in her, for a brief second almost didn't want to. She was confused, but she pushed forward regardless. This is what she needed to do; she knew this from the very start. It's what she would want. She needed to prove Sayaka is the murderer!

[The Moment of Truth]

[Just speculations!]

[This isn't right!]

[Stop lying!]

[I'm not the killer!]

-Tempo up!-

[You're wrong!]


[You have no proof!]

[Just speculation!]

-Tempo up!-

[Be quiet!]

[This isn't right!]

[I'm not the killer!]

[Stop lying!]

Final Strike!

"Meeting attendance."

[This is all speculation! There isn't any proof that I did that!]



"W-What?" Sayaka gulped.

"The knife somehow got back into the kitchen. But when would they be able to?" Junko asked.

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