To Survive (Part 3)

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"Alright, please allow me to explain." Sayaka replied as she stood up. "I was keeping tabs on everyone throughout the investigation. So, I know who everybody teamed up with. Since Makoto was out, I think I should explain for everybody. Most of us split off into teams to search the building, however Byakuya and Taka each went off on their own, and so did Kyoko." 

"I suppose I'll start and share what I've found." Byakuya interjected, as he began to start explaining. "I wanted to try to find whoever this so-called mastermind who's responsible for all this. Unfortunately, I've made no such discoveries. That's all from me." 

"Really? That's it?" Taka asked. 

"If I had more, I'd naturally have already shared it with you sooner." Byakuya scuffed. 

"Right, understood. Then I believe I should share my findings now." Taka continued "While I was searching around the dorms, I was able to find the discovery of the century! I found that there was exactly one room for each person here, with commodities such as a bed and bathroom for each person." Taka declared out as everyone began to sigh. 

"Well yeah, I figured that out before anything else." Aoi said with a shrug.

"There's a nameplate attached to each dorm, so I'm assuming the dorms have already been assigned to each of us." Junko added.

"Also, each room key was attached to a keychain with the owner's name precision-etched onto it." Sakura replied.  

"Oh, there is one more thing that we found out." Junko carried on. "Chihiro and I found out that all the rooms are totally soundproof."

"Yeah, your next-door neighbor can be as loud as they can possibly be, and you still wouldn't hear a single thing." Chihiro explained. 

"Each of the dorms also had their very own private bathroom that's already been clean. Which also has its very own lock." Celeste smiled happily.

"Though, it looks like there were only locks in the girl's bathrooms." Junko added. Makoto looked confused, recalling his bathroom being locked before. 

"So, they've prepared rooms for us already? Damnit, so they're assuming we're gonna be staying here for a while." Mondo grumbled. 

"Hey even if we all prefer to be outside of this place. It's better to have than not have. Least we do not have to worry about surviving like wild animals." Taka roared.

"Mr. Honor S-Student? Is that really all you have to report?" Toko asked sarcastically.

Taka paused for a moment. "That's all for my report today! Sayaka please tell us whoever's next to report their findings!" 

"Thank you, well the next group we had was Leon, Chihiro, Junko and Hiro." Sayaka replied.

"We searched up and down the school, double checking every window in all the hallways and classes. We tried seeing if we could pry one of those metal plates off of the walls." Junko explained.

"Nothing! Not a single damn thing. We couldn't even get one tiny little budge off the damn thing. We tried for a whole hour and absolutely nothing." Leon yelled out.

"There hasn't been any single hope of escape anywhere. We're really trapped here." Chihiro replied tearfully as she grasped her dress with tears falling out. Junko threw her head on the table.

"This all sucks! It *really* sucks. It sucks, sucks, sucks! What the hell can we even do!" 

"Damnit, calm down you guys. You're all starting to make me nervous too." Leon added. "Sayaka, who was the next group?" 

"Hina, Sakura and Mondo all formed a group together too. Hifumi, Celest and Toko all were left over and joined up." 

"We were hoping to maybe find a way to communicate with the outside, so we went looking all over!" Aoi replied "But we didn't find anything. Sorry."

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