A Next Generation Legend, Stand Tall, Galactic Hero! (Part 20, Class Trial)

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Makoto's heart raced, in all just a few seconds he said it. He told everyone, even Monokuma about Alter Ego. The one thing he hadn't wanted to, the secret Chihiro had entrusted to him.

He had told everyone...

"Alter Ego?" Leon sheepishly frowned. "What does that mean?" 

"Oh!" Junko's eyes widened for a second. "Uh...oh nope, sorry! My mind's come to a complete blank. I have no clue whatever it is." 

"The name's choice would imply a secondary personality." Byakuya observed with a surprised expression. "Of what could that entail?" 

Even Celeste, who had kept quiet till now, spoke up in shock. "Makoto should know, yes? He was the one who had brought this to our attention."

"Makoto what the hell are you talkin' about?" Mondo interrupted suddenly.

"Huh...?" Junko quietly muttered.

"This wasn't..." Mondo threw his head down, while pausing. "Nng, I mean, now isn't the time to talk bout it... But do you have any damn idea whatcha just said!?"

Makoto kept quiet, the shock of revealing Alter Ego still weighing upon his mind and body. He knew it was necessary but, after all this. It still kept him quietly second guessing himself.

"Damnit man...don't tell me." He slowly threw his head down. "I know for shits, that he didn't overestimate ya. I had hoped to hell I didn't either. To not tell him, anyone bout him! Alter Ego, why'd you even say that, now of all times!? To...him!"

"Mondo, I may not understand your frustration." Sakura crossed her arms disapprovingly. "This attitude, however, is not suited for our predicament. Not now, at the very least."

"Hmpf, she is right. This is no time for childish games." Byakuya snapped.

"Just...Sakura, both of you two. Not now." He uncharacteristically said. "Ya don't understand. It's fucked up. Shit, it doesn't matter now, cus he knows...we all do. Alter Ego, goddamnit!"

To everyone else, this small outbreak may have looked unusual. He wasn't even mad, disappointed was more like it. Alter Ego, he was their one and only chance at escaping. Everything Chihiro had put his own work into, their entire secret. It was all for nothing.

Alter Ego was known to everyone...

"Wait a minute Mondo. Why say it doesn't matter now?" Kyoko interjected instantly. "From my prospective, I don't see it like that." 

"Kyoko...wait, what do you mean?" Makoto asked curiously.

"Makoto, you did say this evidence was important. I may not understand your connection to this Alter Ego. However, from what I can see. Is this; you must have information if you're willing to share this." She earnestly replied. 

"Is that true...?" Mondo peered over to Makoto. "Tell me, with your own mouth man. Is this info really worth sharin' Alter Ego to even him."

"...Yes, it is!" Makoto came back into realization. "Alter Ego, he was found in the very same boy's bathroom as the cord! Chihiro, he had never told us Alter Ego was in there. And we were the only ones who knew!" 

"This Alter Ego, it's the other clue you had found!" Junko realized. 

"Alter Ego was moved!? Just what the hell happened...?" Mondo clutched his fists. "Why Chihiro, and why Alter Ego? It doesn't make damn sense!"

"Wait a moment! Chihiro was involved? Then the two of you were aware of this Alter Ego's existence?" Byakuya accused. "And in total all three of you had kept this hidden from us."

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