A Next Generation Legend, Stand Tall, Galactic Hero! (Part 15, Class Trial)

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[Truth Bullet List for Trial 3.]

"Monokuma File #3"
"The victim was Chihiro Fujisaki and Toko Fukawa. Chihiro had bruises sustained on his arms and torso. While Toko Fukawa had been injured on her head, with her skull having a fracture. Her brain had suffered injuries to the frontal lobe, on top of other key features of her face being injured."

"Broken left lens."
The glasses that were worn by Toko had been damaged in a strange way. The left lens had been destroyed. With the glass portion being taken out. 

"Freshly bleeding head."
Toko's head had been gushing out blood. With it only being freshly produced. Although stopped by the time of the discovery. 

"Crumpled note."
There had been a crumpled-up note reading. "There is something important about you know who. Along with an important decision that we need to make. I believe we should work together, even if no one else will agree with us. For now, no one else should know. Come to the art room a little after half past seven o'clock." 

"Missing room key."
The room key that Toko had owned went missing. Despite checking, there was no key found anywhere on her body.

"Sakura's account."
Sakura had stated that she saw Toko walking around the previous night. She appeared frustrated with bits of colored paper glued on to her body. Junko confirmed to her statement, since she saw her as well. On top of this, a face had been seen on the paper.

"Stone block."
A chunk of stone had been chiseled out; the size while wasn't as large as the previous stone blocks. The chunk still might've been carriable with both hands, despite still having weight to it. 

"Repository door lock."
The repository door had been locked. However, there was no locks, nor a way to lock the door from the outside. It also had been that way since Celeste had gotten there.

"Chihiro's bruised arms."
Despite no other injuries on Chihiro's body. There was a long stream of bruises across his arm. Though, according to Junko the bruises weren't made recently. 

"Chihiro's shirt."
In the inside of Chihiro's shirt, a faint trace of blood had been found imbedded into it. 

"Glued table."
There had been a table inside the physics lab, which was moved from the entrance to under a catwalk. What was most odd was the fact that glue was surrounded around and on the table. 

"Ripped drawing."
In the middle of two servers, there was a ripped up drawing. Despite it not being clear what it was, it no doubt was well made and detailed. Although Junko claims it looked like a fish. On the back side of the paper, it was sticky similar to the table. 

"Chemical bottles."
There were a few bottles of chemicals found in the equipment room. Formaldehyde and chloroform. One bottle of chloroform was unopened while the three bottles of formaldehyde were opened and nearly empty. Both Junko and Celeste saw the bottles the night before.

"Alter Ego moved."
Alter Ego had disappeared from the locker that Chihiro had owned. Later it was found in the second-floor boy's bathroom. When speaking to him, he had no information to give, and the security was working just fine. No one but Mondo and Makoto should know the true capabilities of Alter Ego.

"Indented brooms and mops."
A couple of brooms and mops were found in the sauna. There were indents made into the middle of the cleaning tools. 

"Small metal object."
In one of the baths, there was a small metal object found deep in the bottom of it. It had a sharp object attached to the back of it, along with a metal plate that had an image on it. The object most likely fell off from something. 

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