To Survive (Part 11)

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A dilemma was stirring in Junko's head. She didn't know what to do, everything had just happened so fast, that it felt odd to try and understand it all. It felt as if everything she knew had just been challenged, everything that she was. However, Makoto had nearly died. More than anything, it's because he saved her. 

He saved her...

What stuck out to her most was the fact that her life was in danger. Never before has her life been in danger in that sort of way. Junko was no stranger to danger before, but this time just was different. She kept on asking herself why over and over. Why did she almost die? That wasn't how it was supposed to go, so why did it happen? 

No matter how she put it, none of it made any sense. Even so, she still knew what she had to do, that much was clear to her. She wouldn't falter, that's what she would do anyways. 

She suddenly made up her mind, now she had to do this. She had another mission to complete for now. It was something she needed to do, she just had to make it to Makoto somehow. How to do so wasn't as clear to her, but she needed to do it. 

Then it struck her, a way to get even, to clear up all debt. She had decided to clear his name. That way, her and Makoto would be even. So, in order to do so, she'd find Aoi's killer and thereby clear his name in the process. After all that's what she would've wanted her to do. That's what she thought at least. 

Investigation Begins.

Junko wasn't exactly clear where to begin, she's never had to investigate before. She checked the Monokuma file that everyone had been given. Just like what Monokuma had said before, all the information regarding the death was present already. 

"The victim was Aoi Asahina. The time of death is estimated to be around 9:50 p.m. The body had been found in the girl's bathroom in the dorm areas. The cause of death was a stab wound to the abdomen. There was also another cut along her stomach."

Even if Junko hadn't planned on trying to investigate the murder beforehand. She's here now and she just can't back up. She had to do this, even if it was different from how she normally went about things. 

Afterall there's no other choice, that's what she would want. "I'll find out, what happened to her and who actually killed her." She said out loud. 

"Monokuma File #1" has been added to the Truth Bullets. 

Junko had a sudden realization as she reread the file. One of the best places to try and find clues in would've been the scene of the crime itself. She couldn't make any progress without investigating there. So, she started to head down to the girl's bathroom, where Aoi's corpse still remained.

Right as she arrived at the bathrooms, she saw three people already present. That being Kyoko, Mondo and Sakura. The latter being on guard duty with Mondo standing outside the doors and Sakura standing relatively near Aoi's body but still being a fair distance away.

"Y'know somethin'." Mondo spoke up once he saw Junko entering the bathroom. "What if the killer already destroyed some evidence? I mean right before we found the body. There's a trash room here, so they could've already tossed some stuff in there."

"Huh, oh yeah that trash room?" Junko responded. 

"Yeah, and that dirty bastard could've used it!" Mondo roared out. "Can't believe this, whoever this guy is. No matter what, anyone who raises their hand to a woman is the lowest form of human that should be awaiting death! That's what my brother taught me! If I ever got my hands on that son of a bitch, then y'know what imma do? I'll pound their fuckin' face in! 

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