A Next Generation Legend, Stand Tall, Galactic Hero! (Part 17, Class Trial)

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[Select a suspect]

Makoto Naegi

Hifumi Yamada

X-Toko Fukawa-X


"I remember, the only person who had ever been on trash duty was you, Hifumi." Makoto declared.

Everyone in the room entered into a collective silence. A few curious eyes found their way directly to Hifumi, eyeing him up with suspicion. Others staring blankly with confusion and speculation. All while sweat drizzled down the forefront of his face before he finally struggled to speak.

"I don't doubt your claim, rather you are correct! I am the one on trash duty!" He admitted in a confused state. "Despite the week timeframe...nobody has ever really...um decided to take charge. So, I, decided to lead by example!"

"However, was the question not on whether you could've destroyed the evidence?" Celeste frowned. 

"Of course, I had not!" He shouted out. "For you see, I take my role very seriously. Besides the area hasn't even been open today."

"Isn't this kind of a jump to start accusing him? Why should we even buy it?" Leon chimed in. "There's a bunch of places we haven't checked still. So, how come we can just say it was destroyed?"

"For once you have made an excellent point." Byakuya made a snarky smirk. "What exactly is to set away this and that? Sure, this may explain our lack of evidence. However, there's no certainty with it. This theory is the center point of determining whether one man is innocent or guilty."

"Remember though, we've searched a lot of places too." Junko said with a slight frown. "I mean could ya really hide all that stuff in some obscure location?"

"With four people investigating, and yet none of you found anything. That is a bit strange when you bring that up." Sakura nodded. 

"You know, that is exactly why I believe Makoto is on the right track of mind." Celeste remarked. "Everyone should know that I believe that the evidence was destroyed in the incinerator as well." 

"Huh, you agree with him too?" Leon questioned confusingly.

"Precise, as if you went through a full room scale layout. Then subtract the ones we searched. There'd be no places to hide that's spacious enough for it all. For once, I can confidently say that Makoto's words speak truth." She explained with a grin.

"Good point, from our searching no one has found anything." Sakura confirmed.

"Some good hider they are if they didn't just destroy it. A literal piece of stone and tarp is hard to hide y'know." Junko groaned. 

"I still reject the very idea outright for now, unless we can get some concrete proof." Byakuya nervously tensed up. "While we never tested to see if it's been used, which is a hindsight on our part. Our proof is limited and therefore to make such a claim right now is too farfetched!"

"While sure, there is still reason to doubt it. This is far from the end, as there may very well be another way to prove that it had been used." Celeste remarked. 

"Another way to prove it?" Makoto spoke up. "Hold on, what could that be?"

"In matters such as this, you must think out of the box." She boldly proclaimed. "Therefore, while I am sorry to say this. I am certain that the incinerator had been used and Hifumi is our culprit." 

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