Boy's Life of Despair (Part 8)

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The day was shortly wrapping up and it had been a more uneventful but peaceful day. Compared to the previous days Makoto hadn't experienced anything that could be considered interesting so far. Rather it was a more of a relaxing day even admits the circumstances. And before he knew it, the time was already approaching ten o'clock. But the peaceful mood quickly changed as an unexpected sound of chimes, along with a certain voice played throughout his dorm.

"Ahem, attention, this is a school announcement! Even though nighttime is quickly approaching, before it officially arrives, I have something to inform you. All students, please gather in the gym immediately! It is an emergency of the utmost importance!" 

When the announcement had cut off, a feeling of uneasiness washed on Makoto. He questioned the reason for the emergency meeting, but he knew he wouldn't like whatever it was. And the fact that whatever he wanted was unknown scared him most of all.

He went straight to the gym after hearing the announcement. As he arrived at the gym, everyone was already gathered up. They all had their own set of emotions, with some being skeptical or anxious, while some had looks of interest and curiosity. 

"I wonder what the meaning behind this is!" Taka spoke up first, with a skeptical expression. "What could he possibly be planning with everyone gathered up this late?"

"I must say, I am intriguied in knowing what he attends for this time." Celeste replied.

"Hmhmhm, now it appears things will get interesting again." Byakuya joined the conversation with a smirk. "Whatever his news will be, I know it will spice things up." 

"I fail to see the humor in this situation." Hifumi pointed out. "Is the ability to smile as if you were normal, really out of the realm of possibility? Kinda like characters smiling to the camera on classic tv shows."

"Yeah, I bet that *would* be too hard for you. God, you're like so seriously screwed up in the head y'know!" Junko groaned. "Maybe you can try not laughin' at a time like this!?"

"You should look at yourself before you make baseless accusations." Byakuya snarled. "You people are the only ones screwed up in the head."

"Huh!?" Hiro gasped. "Wait a minute, how are we the ones in the wrong now?"

"I can't believe I have to spell it out for you all." Byakuya glared daggers at everyone. "Frankly point, you all live in a constant state of denial. An optimistic hope that everything may all work itself out. And I refuse to live in such an idiotic mental state that you all wish to immerse yourself in. In fact, is it not the definition of insanity to repeatedly try the same thing, while expecting different results?"

"Like you're any better. You just sit on your ass reading all day!" Junko grumbled. "Least we actually are tryin' to do something unlike you!"

"And was this something that you were all doing, supposedly opting to wait for the police or some other force to arrive?" Byakuya sneered. "As it stands, I fail to see any sign of people attempting to rescue us. So least I can acknowledge the state that I'm in other than wishing for something to come from absolutely nothing."

Byakuya's comment for one reason, or another made Junko go silent. She looked as if she wanted to say something, but instead opted to remain silent. But her silence was quietly overlooked as the conversation carried on.

"When you put it into perspective, that is strange if you think about it." Kyoko suddenly entered the conversation. "Despite being in the middle of a major urban center, on top of other reasons. How would the police not know we were here? Or rather why would they not act?"

"Damn police, they're taking their sweet time!" Hifumi squealed.

"But let me offer a counter suggestion." Celeste pondered. "Perhaps this mastermind is in league, if not in control of the police themselves?" 

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