A Next Generation Legend, Stand Tall, Galactic Hero! (Part 13)

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The hallways and floors leading up to the physics room were empty. While Makoto and Junko quickly ran up to the room, there was no signs of anyone. Which created an atmosphere of isolation and emptiness within the school, especially with everyone centered in both the infirmary and art room.

As they entered the room, on the surface it seemed perfectly fine. There were no glaringly obvious clues, nor anything that could be considered as such from just one look around. Though the most noticeable change was now the equipment room door had been opened, differing from when Genocide Jill had been occupying it. On top of something seemingly missing, though it was a bit harder to determine what that exactly was. 

"I'm glad you thought of coming here, and I don't want to doubt your judgement or anything. However, you're sure of this room, right?" Makoto quickly asked. "Nothing really seems to be out of the ordinary here." 

"I can see where ya are comin' from, but c'mon ya gotta trust me!" Junko smirked. "I know I'm like ninety-nine percent sure of this havin' something. That equipment room, I swear has to have somethin' in it." 

"If you say so, then that's good enough for me. It's probably best to look around here anyways. I'm sure we can find something at the very least. Though let's see what we have to work with before going into the equipment room." He responded as he began to gaze around the room.

"Sounds like a plan then." She nodded her head. 

The two examined the room thoroughly. The machines were all in perfect order, with nothing seemingly wrong. Everything in the room actually seemed untouched. However, the feeling of something missing was confirmed by one desk. The same desk that had been used in front of the entrance. Which now was positioned behind the air purifier and right below the catwalks. 

Even more strange, was the fact that there was a sort of transparent coating on top of the desk, which had been made slightly noticeable due to the fluorescent lighting. Otherwise, it would be practically invisible without specifically looking for it. This had also never been there, as far as Makoto could remember. 

"You see the desk over there? I got no clue what's on it. It's not some sort of liquid or water. Actually, I can't even be sure of it is a liquid or if it's just some coating." Makoto pointed over to the desk with a curious expression. "Also, back when we were first searching around the new floor. If I can remember correctly, this desk was right near the entrance. Someone must've moved it for some reason." 

"Hm? Ya mean this desk? Okay, so like, what's the deal with it then?" She threw her left hand onto the desk. "Uh, whatdda hell!? This is...really disgustin'! The hell, what is this!?" 

"Junko!? What's wrong, hey are you okay!?" Makoto quickly ran up to her. "What happened!? Why do you have your hand on the desk like that?"

"This is kinda embarrassing...my hand is a little stuck. It's like this desk is coated in glue." She grumbled. "The literal fuck is with this though!? Like stop screwin' with me, who the hell glued the table? What kinda dumb ass does that?" 

"So, you got your hand stuck on the desk...? Is the glue that sticky? I didn't think you could get stuck from glue that quickly." He exclaimed. "More important, do you need any help? Here, are you able to free your hand? Or do you need something to remove the glue?" 

"No need to sweat it, I just kinda made it more dramatic. This glue isn't really hard to get off, just more of a pain in the ass y'know. I can easily free it, sorta like a band aid. Ya just rip it off as quick as you can. Like this!" As she said this, she forcefully pulled off her hand from the desk. "Phew, god that actually kinda stung more than I thought it would." 

"Um, you're good right? That didn't look exactly pleasant." He reached out his hand. "It doesn't look like you're going to bleed. Though I'd still be careful when grabbing something, it might hurt for a bit."

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Rewritten.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin