(Chapter 4) All Star Apologies (Part 3)

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An independent search sprung out amongst the students in the dining hall, shortly after they finished their individual breakfasts. Understanding the situation, Makoto followed suit behind the rest, hoping to discover what awaited everyone on the next floor.

While heading back to the stairs, a familiar person entered Makoto's field of view. As they walked further into the confines of the first floor, his face was riddled with a mixture of distraught and confusion. Instantly, their peculiar expressions drew Makoto back to him with worry.

"Mondo?" He reached out to him worriedly. "Hey, is something the matter?"

Mondo turned his back with startled look. "Gah-!" He took a quick gasp of air before calming his nerves. "Shit man! Scared me..."

"I didn't mean to; I was just a little confused since you're heading the opposite way." He brought up.

"Well, jeez..." He paused as he collected his thoughts for a moment. "Ya see, there's just something I oughta do. The rest of you have the new floor covered, I'm sure. Look, I know this ain't cool of me to do right now. Especially when I'm supposed to be our new leader and such."

Makoto pieced it together. "I see... Then please don't worry, feel free to leave the new floor to us!"

"Ngn... Ahah thanks man." He lightly smiled. "Course I could count on ya guys to do the heavy liftin' this one time."

"Always, just count on us for right now. You can rely on us when you need to!" Makoto proclaimed. "Please, don't push yourself too hard."

"Yeah, and look I... just-" He clutched his fists with a sad gleam. "-sorry, there's just a lot imma need to do. Be safe, kay...?"

"You too..." He quickly returned.

With that, Makoto parted ways, leaving Mondo to continue on walking down the hallway. Without any need for him mentioning their name, Makoto easily gathered his true intention. His desire of freely speaking with Alter Ego.

For all this time, he could've only guessed Mondo had been pushing himself, further and further along. Even now, he's still been in constant grief. However, in spite, or maybe even because of that. He'll keep moving forwards instead, and his own will reflects upon that.

A sense of admiration washed over Makoto while he made his way up the flights of stairs. Until suddenly, a thought crossed his mind upon reaching the fourth floor.

"Maybe we'll finally find any sort of clue here..." He wishfully proclaimed out loud. "Ah! No! I'll find one definitely!"

He forced a determined spirit to spring up within him, desperate to find a clue. Everyone was working so hard, and it'd be best to come back bearing his own new developments. That was what he had promised himself and what he knew must've been accomplished.

Connected from the stairwell, a long hallway presented him. Transversing down, Makoto took a sharp turn left into a corridor. Finally, revealing to him a pair of rich dark oak doors, surrounded by a blue vertically striped wallpaper. With the words reading "Music" engraved and placed onto a sign above the doorframe. Right next to the sign, however, was a small powered off light. He pushed through the unusually heavy doorframe and entered.

His eyes instantly set agaze to the cozy interior of the room, from the soft red carpeted floor. Touched with a legion of seats, each with its own red pillowing on both the seat and back. At front and most notable was a wooden stage spanning the entire room's length, accompanied with a dark wood piano and a velvet red curtain surrounding the stage. All the contents being brightly illuminated by nearly a dozen different stage lights hovering over the stage.

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Rewritten.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora