A Next Generation Legend, Stand Tall, Galactic Hero! (Part 18, Class Trial)

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"What? Are you really saying that the two of you were in cahoots this entire time?" Leon roared out, as his face reddened. 

"Yes, yes we had been." Hifumi replied abruptly. "The sad, sad truth of the matter! The culprit and I were in cahoots. And if I hadn't stopped, then we would have both been killers!" 

"Just hold on, that means we've screwed up major time!" Mondo snapped. "Not some little mistake!" 

"Right, I mean if they coordinated. Wouldn't that just ruin everything we've said?" Leon added. "Then where would that even get us? Would he really not be guilty...?" 

Sakura shook her head disapprovingly. "I cannot accept this as our final answer. If what he said is true, it will break down our preestablished theory. We have been under the assumption that if Celeste were to have killed, Hifumi would not have known." 

"Although being the one who made the trap. He does introduce an interesting inquiry to this dilemma." Byakuya commented. 

"That's true he did make it." Mondo anxiously stated. "Maybe he doesn't have a reason to lie. But we still know the bastard killed her!" 

"What!? I did no such thing!" Hifumi blurted. "If the two killers never knew, why would I be the one!? Especially when I worked with one culprit. Besides, this kill has been misinformed, I hadn't killed her! The trap, was a lie!" 

"The trap was a lie...?" Leon rubbed his head tensely.

"Nonsense, the trap being used is the only thing that makes any damn sense!" Mondo grumbled. "He's gotta be the culprit!" 

"Although we also know Celeste is at fault herself." Byakuya responded. "She has her own reason; would that mean both are lying? Or would one of their words carry greater weight then it seems?" 

"I am not the one who is at fault here." Celeste tensely reminded them. "Why would you still blame me? Despite a lack luster in our collective knowledge." 

"Clearly you're the one who had blamed Hifumi, along with being the one who could've framed Leon." Byakuya noted. "What do you say in defense to that?" 

"On the contrary, Hifumi is our culprit." She glared back at him. "The trap was most obviously made by him; I also am innocent to Toko, so your theory is ruined, no? So long as the culprits didn't work together, I cannot be one." 

"They're both guilty. She has gotta be playin' tricks on us right now!" Mondo commented with a confused stare. "Who the hell says they couldn't have worked together and killed?" 

"No! That just can't be it! If they planned this, then something has gotta be wrong!" Junko jumped in. "Right, I'm not the only who is thinkin' that, am I? We gotta figure this out!" 

"What are you suggesting we do then?" Byakuya curiously muttered.

"This case is super screwed up. Call me stubborn...maybe even crazy. Just maybe, one of them, isn't the culprit? And if so, we gotta find out which one of em isn't. That's the only way!" She protested.

"One of em...ain't the culprit?" Mondo grumbled. "How the hell does that work?"

"It'd actually explain quite a bit, ya see?" She responded. "There's no way they both killed and worked together. If only one did, then the other was pretty much used as a way to be blamed. They mighta both worked together, but only one killed!" 

"And if we found out if one of them is innocent?" Leon paused. "The other one has to be the culprit then!" 

"Saying there is an innocent one to speak of." Byakuya added. "Though it's worth a shot. The evidence points nay to that. However, we could be overlooking something." 

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