"Of course we can't, hm," he agreed with Konan. "I'm Orochimaru. And that over there is Sasori." he introduced himself and the other man that had come.

"Y-Y..." you tried to tell them your name, the name you had been given but forgotten some time ago. You gave up and shook your head. "No name."

"You don't have a name?" Konan asked. You shook your head. "Do you have a home?"

You frowned. "No home. No family. No one for me to go to! Alone, I'm ALONE!"

You crouched on the floor and buried your face in your hands. Konan exchanged glances with Orochimaru and Sasori. The two men knew, without her saying anything, what she wanted. She wanted to take you to the hideout, she wanted to give you a home. She was a war orphan, so she knew what it felt like to be alone. Though she was older than you when that happened.

"You can come with us," Konan offered. You stopped crying and looked up to see Konan smiling kindly at you. You wiped off your tears with the sleeve of Orochimaru's cloak. "You can have a home, a family. People to go to when you feel sad or when you just want to share something that's on your mind. You'll never be alone anymore."

Your eyes widened. A home? A family? People to go to? Never be alone anymore? It sounded nice, and you wanted to go with them. But you didn't at the same time. "Death follows me... everywhere I go. People leave, they always leave me. They stay a little while, then go away."

Konan furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean, 'death follows you everywhere'?" She asked.

"People I care about die. I can't protect them, they always leave. 'Go, before you die too' they say. I don't know what they mean... go, go, go. Do they not want me? Am I a problem?"

Now, even Orochimaru had a sad look in his eyes. "Look," you looked up at him. "People sometimes don't understand you. Or you misunderstand them. The people you say left you, might have wanted to protect you," Orochimaru said. You cast your eyes down to the ground.

"No. Protect me, no. They did not want to protect me. They wanted to take Kekkei Genkai," you whispered. "Power, they want it. They don't care about me, only my Kekkei Genkai."

"How old are you?" Konan asked.

"Seven," you said. "Alone for five years. I've had no one to talk to."

Konan leaned down and pulled you onto her back. "So, do you want come with us?" she asked and smiled. Your face lit up. They really wanted to keep you around, even after what you had just told them. You smiled widely and nodded your head rapidly.

"Good. Now then, let's get home before Leader gets... on our case for being late," Orochimaru commented.

The other two nodded and jumped into the trees. Konan followed and jumped through the trees alongside them. You glanced around while they ran through the forest. Everything was a blur, the trees, rocks and bushes on the ground.

You looked at the woman that was carrying you. Konan. Her short, blue hair looked soft and silky. Her bright golden eyes stared straight at the path ahead. She noticed you staring at her and glanced at you. You quickly looked away, she smiled.

After a while more of traveling, you came to a stop at a small cliff overlooking a river. There, on the side of the river, was a red, wooden entrance with a big boulder behind it. The boulder had some sort of seal on the middle. Konan gently put you down.

"Well, here we are. Home sweet home," Orochimaru said. You looked up at Orochimaru, then back at the boulder. A small smile came across your face.

"Well, here we are. Home sweet home," Orochimaru said. You looked up at Orochimaru, then back at the boulder. A small smile came across your face.

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