Chapter 18: I couldn't find it in me to hate her.

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*Heath's pov. *

Mika didn't show up to the meeting.

I genuinely can't tell if she even wants to keep the job at this point.

She doesn't show up to work and can't find an excuse. She doesn't show up to a meeting about her not showing up to work.

Did I scare her earlier today? Possibly but that wouldn't going to stop someone from showing up to a meeting. Would it?

Mum has already made the decision to fire her. And as much as I'd like to hate her for it, I can't. I know that she can't keep someone on the job when they're only being an inconvenience.

Rolling over on my bed I take a breath, hoping, praying that I hadn't ruined the progress I made with Mika. Though I wouldn't say I liked her, I couldn't find it in me to hate her. Never.

~Time skip. ~

She is not at school.

Mika is not at school.

She isn't in her house either. I checked much like the creepy guy I am.

So, like any other person would do, I go to Lilah's house and ask her.

Maybe not in the kindest way though.

Busting open the door, I make my way into her house, well, her parents house. I greet her parent and Ezra on the way in as they were talking. Then I go into her room, this time actually knocking.

"Lilah? It's heath." I mutter after knocking.

How long could it possibly take to answer the damn door?

All of a sudden, the door opens.

"First of all, why weren't you at school today? Second of all, where on this hell of an earth is Mika?" I stare down at Lilah, grumbling the words that I'd been thinking all day.

"I don't know. why did you assume I would know anything? Oh yeah, that's right! I kidnapped her and she's currently locked in the basement." She speaks, sarcasm so evident in her tone even someone that couldn't tell the difference between sarcasm and serious speaking would be able to tell. With an eye roll she speaks again, "I wasn't at school today because I felt sick this morning."

"Sure. Well...when did you last speak to her?"

"Like last night, she was on her way to a meeting with Mariana or something." She taps her foot on the floor, obviously thinking. "She only told me about how you too kissed- "I cut her off, speaking.

"You sure she was on her way to the meeting?"

Blinking up at me, she replies. "One hundred percent sure. Why? Is something wrong?"

"She didn't come to the damn meeting, Lilah. She's not at her house. Somethings wrong."

She hums in response. "Maybe. We shouldn't jump to conclusions though. What her dad? Was he there when you went over?"

My eyebrows furrow. "No, no he wasn't."

With a breath, I pause, getting into my own brain and thinking. Really thinking.

I shift on my feet, leaning my body against the wall, once again, thinking.

"What do you think, Lilah? Where could she be?"

"I don't know! I don't understand why you expect me to know this."

I pick up my phone, opening her number, looking to find a way to get her location.

Then it hits me.

*Mika's pov. *

My eyes shoot open when cold, cold water gets flooded over my head, an ice cube falling into my lap. I let out a yelp in surprise and look around the lighter room.

Unsure as to what's happening, I continue inspecting the room, even with my vison being blurry. A door shoots open to reveal a man that I don't know. That I don't recognise.

Without a word he walks over to me, slightly stumbling indicating he was on some kind of substance.

This is when he speaks, and I recognise the voice. My dad had a phone call with him a couple weeks ago, before everything happened.

"You know why I brought you here, eh?" He hums, not in a comforting way, nor an anxious one, a creepy one. It intimidates me.

I gulp, shrinking back into the chair my arms were attached too. In the midst of trying to decide if I should speak, I feel him grip my chin harshly, causing me to flinch back.

"Do you, or do you not know why you're here?"

My eyes flutter shut for a moment as I try to calm myself. Being stressed in this situation was only going to make things worse.

I reopen my eyes, taking in the mans face, you'd think that if he had kidnapped me, he'd wear a mask. No mask though, nothing.

"No- no." My voice is a low whisper, trying not to aggravate him.

"Hm." He walks out of the room for a moment before coming back in though, this time, with a knife. "How about this, huh? I tell you; you answer questions for me. If you don't answer then," He flicks the knife.

With wide eyes, I intake a shaky breath then let out the same one in another shaky form.

"Okay..." I whisper, almost quiet enough that I don't hear myself.

"Right then. It's a simple trade, really."

*Heath's pov. *


She glances up at me, unmistakably pulled out of her daze. "Yeah? Do you know where she is?"

"No, no. Don't you have her location? Is it on?"

Her eyes widen, at a fast pace she pulls her phone out and opens it, going straight onto her phone number. "Somewhere just out of town." Suddenly the phone is shoved into my hands and I'm glancing at it.

"I'm going. You stay here, I swear to God." And I'm rushing down the stairs, taking Lilah's phone with me. I put my butt on the car seat, twist he key and drive.

Author's noteee.

Okay, what are we thinking about Mika's kidnapping?

I feel like this is written really cringy so apologies.

Also, I'm trying to practice cliff hangers, so this is my attempt, let me know whatcha think.

As always, I love you all and I hope you're doing well. :)

WORD COUNT: 1027. 

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