Chapter five: Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

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*Mika's pov*

I'm bolting down the halls. I don't know why. Him staring at me made me feel strange. I shouldn't have liked it, but having someone notice me was nice.

I find a random classroom and try to open the door. Locked, Damnit.

Someone grabs my waist and spins me around. I'm pinned to the wall.

It's Heath.

"What the fuck? Why'd you run away like that? It's not like I said somthing." His tone comes out firm, His eyes are cold.

I don't answer. partly because I'm scared, partly because I don't know the answer myself.

I think this whole thing with my dad is getting to me. I can't think straight, my brain just wonders to the exact same moment. 




Like a broken record in my brain.

He's staring at me waiting, waiting for an answer that I can't give. I won't give.

"Whats going on?" He still doesn't look concerned. I probably embaressed him. 

My breathings heavy. I'm scared, really scared.

What if he hits me?

I'm staring at him with wide eyes. he's staring at me with wide eyes. I'm still silent. His hands are on either side of my head.

"Fucking hell, Mika." He pushes off the wall and steps away. I quickly make space between us. 

"I- uhm I'm sorry- I don't know whats going on." I whisper. At this he rolls his eyes.

"Of course you do. You're the only one that can know what's going on." His gaze is intent. maybe he does care? 

"I really don't." I fight the urge to sob. I wish our stupid teacher never partnered us, all of this wouldn't of happened if he didn't. My dad would never have slaped me.

Don't cry, Mika. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

He groans. "Whatever. I don't give a shit anyway." With that he turns around and walks off, I'm assuming he's going back to the cafeteria.

With a gulp I turn around and run down the hall desperately trying to find another classroom one thats unlocked. 

I let out a sigh of relief when I find one. I step into the classroom and shut it behind me. Then sliding fown the back of the door.

If my life is going to act like a book. I'm going to act like the main character, that includes my dramatic door sliding scene.

I let out a small laugh and wipe the tears that had fallen while I was running.

What on earth am I crying about? 

Suddenly it hits me. I'm anxious. I haven't had this kind of anxiety since- 

I cut of my thoughts with a gulp. 

Why am I anxious? 

My thoughts are cut off by the door nudging into my back. Shit, someone's trying to get in. I stand up quickly and step away from the door. Mr Mason walks in.

"Mika? What are you doing in here? Class has started." My eyes widen. I must've missed the bell.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't hear the bell, sir." He narrows his eyes.

"I'm gonna have to give you an after school detention, just today though, don't worry." 

Could this day get any worse?

"Oh, okay. Can I go to class now?" He nods and I exit the room, walking to my next class.

~Time skip~

My last class of the day has just finished and I'm on my way to detention, my first ever detention.

I continue walking and reach into my bag trying to find my phone when I bump into a large figure.

Theres the answer to my question ealier. This day can infact get worse.

I look up so I can apologise only to find a frustrated Heath. I swear to god.

"Again? For god sake, how clumsy can you get?" He grumbles.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was goi-" He cuts me off. He always cuts me off.

"Are you ever watching where you're going? Because it sure doen't seem like it." 

"I said I'm sorry. What else do you want from me?"

"What do I want from you?" He's looking at me like I just asked him to fly to the moon. "What do you want from me? You're always trying to talk to me, or bump into me. I'm NOT interested. Get that into your head." With that he pushes past me. 

I'm not trying to spend time with him or talk to him, whe were paired for a project. 

I decide to skip texing my dad. Whats the worst that could happen?

I continue walking to detention. When I arrive I intantly spot Heath. of course he's here. 

I take a seat amongst the litte amount of other students, some making out, others scrolling on their phone. 

I thought there was supossed to be teachers here?

I can feel eyes on the back of my head and fight the urge to turn around and see who's staring. 

Pulling my book out of my tote bag I begin to read. 

~Time skip~ 

Soon enough detention finishes and I begin to walk home. Anxiety consumes me.

 I think I figured out why I was anxious ealier, because I wasn't able to do any of the things that my dad wanted me to. I couldn't pick up more shifts or change partners.

What if he thinks I didn't even try to to change them? Or worse, what if he hits me again?


Aurthors noteeee

I feel like this chapter is writen really badly, I might fix it up later.

Heath is extremely bipoler and also really arogont, but what can I say...character develepment🤷‍♀️

Love ya'll :)


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