Chapter 15: He smiled.

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*Mika's pov. *

After who knows how long, Heath pulls away from the hug and we make our way back to the car, not a word being spoken. I didn't know what to think of his quiet attitude. Did this mean that he'd go back to his grumpy attitude or would he keep this kind, light-hearted, and caring side. He had yet to crash these hopes but then again, he wasn't speaking.

My hands move forward to open the car door when a hand moves over the top of mine, preventing me from opening it myself. Heath opens the door for me, then steps out of the way and walks in front of the car, moving to the driver's side.

I take a seat in the passenger's side, where I was sitting before I emptied my stomach into the bushes.

And just when I'm about to break the silence, Heath does it for me.

"How are you feeling? Any better than before?" His voice is soft, almost caring.

The car steers onto the street my house is on. I glance down the road noticing my dad's car out front. With a sharp breath I take a look up at Heath.

"Better. Definitely better than before." My gaze moves to the handle on the car door as he pulls into the driveway, parking and tuning off the car.

The plan I make is to run. Run straight out of the car before he can even say something. Before he can offer to walk me in. Before my dad sees his car or worse, sees him. But that plan is cut short when he begins to offer all these things.

"Would you like me to walk you in?" He seems to be confused by my grip on the handle of the car door. And me being me, I wouldn't know how to turn down an offer, especially since I haven't ever seen this version of Heath. I would hate to scare that away.

"Sure, that would be nice. Thank you." My voice comes out quiet, not a whisper, just really quiet.

His lips curve up slightly into a small smile. It doesn't stay long but it was still engraved in my brain.

He smiled.

Something I had no idea was possible from him. I bet he had some kind of alcohol in his system that was causing him to act this way. That's the only possibility.

We both step out of the car, making our way up the driveway, to the front door.

There was every possibility that my dad would have had blowup at me and Heath. But there was also the possibility that nothing would happen, that everything would be back to my father and I's old relationship. One where we rarely talked but he would never have hit me.

Our steps stay at the same pace though I wish we could have slowed down. Then again, I wasn't going to give that hint to Heath, He couldn't know about all of this. If he did, he'd probably tell the entire school.

When we get to the door I open it, stepping inside with Heath following suit after me.

Looking around I don't spot my father. So, I take my chance, turning to Heath.

"If you want, you could go now." I cover my mouth in realisation of how rude that sounded. "I just mean that you should get back to your birthday party. I mean it was thrown for you."

Silence eats at the room. He seems to think.

"Okay, right." He huffs out a breath. "Just make sure you drink some water, you're probably dehydrated know." With that, he turns and leaves, without another word.

I take this as my indication to move further into the house in search for my father. I wanted to see him and make sure he was okay. It'd been days since I last had seen him. And you'd think that after everything he had done, I wouldn't want anything to do with him.

But I did. He was all I had left, and I couldn't afford to lose him too.

Just like I had expected he was here. Just fast asleep on the couch.

Making my way over to him with soft, quiet steps, trying not to wake him, I take a closer look at him. He seemed awfully tired, even though he was asleep.

This made me wonder. Where had he been sleeping the past few days?

I wasn't planning to wake him up, that'd only annoy him, I didn't need that. So, I begin to walk away with the same soft steps as before, my feet relatively close to the base of the couch.

That's where I go wrong. I fall right into his trap.

My feet catch in his and I go tumbling to the floor.

After taking a moment of time to catch my beath I flip over from my stomach and onto my back, that's when I see my father standing from his seated position.

Maybe he wasn't asleep? Maybe this was a plan. And that's when it hits me. Literally.

A foot to my stomach.

My body curls in pain, making its way to lay on my side.

"What did I tell you about that boy? Did you not hear me say that I didn't want you talking to him?" He doesn't even sound angry. That's the worst part.

His actions were angry, frustrated, but his words, his tone were disappointed. I don't know which would have been worse.

I open my mouth to reply but nothing comes out, the words caught in my throat. My breath stuck in my lungs. I couldn't exhale to get air out. I couldn't inhale to get air in. Panic was rising within me, and I didn't know what to do.

My brain doesn't even register that my father has left the room, the only thing that makes me realise is the vibrations going through the floor next to my head.

In attempts to calm myself I sit up and begin gasping for air. My gasps tourn to wheezes as I finally get even the smallest of air and as soon as I have the power to move. I do. I stand and bolt to my bedroom, ignoring the strong amount of pain in my ribs.

Shutting the door at a fast pace and locking it, fearing that he'd come back and do more.

Then I break. Falling to the floor, sobs exiting my lips.

Authors noteee.

How are we all doing today. I hope you're well. :)

Anyway, I have finally started working towards how I wanna set up the first plot in this story. :0

We still have a few chapters till then, but I've made a couple quotes for it.

Also, I noticed that we've made it to 225 reads. I'm aware that doesn't seem like many but I still couldn't be more grateful.

Be ready, Lovelys!


An Eternity of LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz