Chapter two: Chemistry? No, torture.

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*Mikas pov*

I walk into the school building and over to my locker, pulling my books out and beginning to head to class, chemistry, what I'd like to call torture.

I arrive at the class and sit in my seat with a sigh. The teacher walks in and begins lecturing us. I don't pay attention, who is? I don't know but it's not me.

My focus on the wall gets disrupted by Mr Masons voice. "Mika?"

He's the chemistry teacher, I feel kind of bad for him. For what I know him, and his wife are currently going through some kind of 'relationship issue.' Something to do with money. It's really not my concern.

I hear his voice again, I glance up. "Mika? are you listening?"

"Yes, sir." He nods slowly though I don't think he believes a word I've said. With that he looks back to the book he was previously reading from and continues. I let out a sigh of relief, silently thanking the lord that he didn't make me repeat something he'd read out.

After a while of him saying nothing of my interest he finally brings up the project our class will be completing. To my distaste, it's a group project, between two people. At this point, I don't think the word torture covers it.

I hear my name and wait for the name that comes after, this will be the person I spend the next ten or so classes with, better be good.

"Okay, Mika you'll be paired with..." after what feels like forever he finally says:


My eyes widen. What kind of book am I living right now? Not a good one.

I hear someone walk up behind me and jump slightly. I was obviously too busy thinking. That's freaking embarrassing.

 Heath sits in the chair next to me and gives me a cold glair.

 This is going to be fun.

I think for a moment about the project we have to do; We have to make a presentation about an element of the periodic table, it sounds quite easy, we should be fine. I hope.

"Hi, I'm Mika." I push my hand out Infront of me for him to shake, he ignores it. What did I expect? Placing my hand back by my side I wait for him to say something. Anything.

Silence. Thats all I get from him. Rude much?

"So, what element were you thinking about doing?" I ask. no response, so I continue talking, "I was thinking H20, its simple so it would be an easy mark." Still silence, then by some miracle, I get an acknowledgement. The same I got in the library earlier: a tilt of the head.

"Did you ask the teacher to partner us?" He asks out of nowhere. His voice raspy and deep.

"What? Why would I do that?" Shock flushes my face. What on earth would make him think that? We don't even know each other. 

"Because you seem to have taken a liking to me. Bumping into me in the library? how very original of you." My confusion grows as my eyes roll. Firstly, why would I want to be partnered with him. Secondly, this guy's ego is boosted why too high.

"Huh?" What kind of person has a ego as big as this? Him obviously. I laugh, but he's not joking. "you're joking? right?"

"No." He says dryly still holding a glare. I gulp.

"Okay..." I try to smile. changing the conversation, I ask again, "what element did you want to do for the presentation?"

He rolls his eyes, "H20 sounds fine."

I nod slowly. "Okay, it's settled then."

"It seems so," he says. This entire conversation is awkward.

Then the bell rings. My saviour.

He begins to stand from his chair, but I stop him. My head tilts. "Do you have plans tonight?" I press my lips into a thin line. "For the project," I add.

"I don't." My head moves forward in a nod of acknowledgement.

"Can I come over to your place?" I ask.

"No." my bottom lip folds into my mouth. "Is your place free?" He asks, a little less roughly than before.

I still haven't seen my dad since the whole argument. If I brought someone over, even for a project, I don't think he would be very happy. "Yes." I gulp, I wasn't supposed to say yes. I didn't mean to say it. I take in a sharp breath, thinking about how I could change the answer. I couldn't, so I didn't.

He nods, it's a calculating kind of nod, I don't trust it.

I give him my address and he takes his leave to the classroom. I pack up my stuff and also exit the torture room.

~Time skip~

Lunch soon arrives and I take a seat in the cafeteria. I'm worrying about the impending project working, not even working on the project; what's going to come after Heath leaves. My father can be...Not a very kind man and I'm just worried about how this will play out. Without thinking, I pull my phone out of my bag and press on the messages app.

Me: Hey, dad. I'm sorry about everything that happened the other day, also I thought I'd let you know that I'm having someone over for a project we're doing at school. Love you. :)

after a while, my phone buzzes.

Dad: Hi, Mika. Thats fine as long as this person is out of the house by 9:00. clear?

He's done this before, pretends to not care about what happened.

Me: crystal. 

I place my phone back in my bag and take a deep breath.

"You will be fine, Mika." I whisper to myself. I tend to sit by myself every day, so nobody was going to hear me talking to myself.


The rest of the day runs smoothly. I stay anxious but manage to keep it to myself. Soon enough, I'm exiting school and walking home. Oh lord.

Authers noteee

So, they have been paired for a project. I know it's so cliche, but I couldn't help myself.

While we're talking about the project, I apologize that it's such a simple topic, I couldn't think of anything else.

What do we think of Heath so far? honestly, he's kind of arrogant but that's what character development is for ;)

Also thought I'd mention that if you want to comment feel free to. I would love to get some opinions!


(Edited. Also, it does get better so please keep reading and give it a chance. I think these first couple of chapters I was trying to figure out how to write. LMAO.)

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