Chapter 24: It's not funny. I wasn't laughing.

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*Mika's pov. *

School had gotten out about fifteen minutes ago, but I was waiting by my locker for Heath. Apparently, he wanted to talk to me.

We'd shared those two kisses earlier and gone to class. I didn't want to get yelled at by anymore teachers anyway. Like I said, I wanted to live my life how I wanted now, not worrying about how it could affect my future-self.

Opening my locker, I pick out my homework and place it in my bag. There was lots since it was a Monday.

When I feel a tap on my shoulder, I spin around, tipping my head up. I didn't see who I had expected though. Lilah was standing in front of me, looking happy as always.

"Why are you still waiting around? Shouldn't you be on your way home already?" She speaks softly, but enthusiastically at the same time. "If I were you, I wouldn't be spending another second in this hell hole." Now she rolls her eyes.

"I was waiting for someone. And, if you think about it, you don't have to spend another second in this 'hell hole'. You could go home." I smile gently as I speak.

"Who are you waiting for?" Her lips curve from the confused from into a smile. "You have a date? Do you?"

See, I couldn't really answer her question. Heath and I hadn't figured out what we were and even if we had, I didn't know what he wanted to talk about, whether it be a date or just a conversation. I'm not even going to try and hide the fact that I'm scared that Heath could or could not be messing with me.

After getting to know him, he didn't give me those vibes. Maybe he did originally but not anymore.

I stare back at Lilah, trying to decide what to say. "Well...Maybe?"

She crosses her arms, leans back against the metal of this row of lockers. "Do not tell me you're going out with one of those dumb jocks that only wants sex, Mika. Because if he's not making clear date plans it's a shit person—or worse, a kidnapper."

"He's not a kidnapper." I lean on the locker next to her.

She looks over at me and just as she does, Heath rounds the corner. My eyes fall wide, and I give him a look.

I wasn't sure if he wanted Lilah to know anything yet and I wasn't willing to take that that risk. I was just fixing my life, I refused to mess it up already.

Heath gives me the same look back.

"How do you know he's not a kidnapper? He could be waiting outside with a black bag and everything." She says, clearly clueless to what was happening.

Honestly, with how observant she normally is, I'm surprised that she doesn't notice me exchanging random looks at a wall. 

Heath pauses for a moment before walking backwards and going into a room.

Lilah spins at the sound of a door opening. She moves her head around to look at who caused the sound. Instead, she catches the sight of Heaths hair and shoes.

"Shut up!" Her hands lift and she covers her mouth. "You were not waiting for him. Oh. My. Mika!"

My cheeks flush. "I was, but—"

"No buts," she cuts me off. "I can't believe you're going on a date with Heath."

I roll my eyes. "We're not going on a date...I don't think."

"I gotta go, hun." She stands up straight again, walking backwards and out of the hallway.

Lifting my hands, I cover my face. She wasn't supposed to find out about this, like I had stated earlier, I didn't know if Heath wanted anyone to know. I don't even know if he is genuine with this whole situation.

 I shut my locker, use the key to lock it, then walk over to the random room Heath had chosen to walk into. 

I open the door and step in, taking a look around the room and inspecting what must have been a simple storage closet. My hands fumble with the bricks on the wall as I look for a light switch. Really? No light switches. I look at Heath who is leaning against the wall, smiling like this was a funny situation.

"It's not funny." I narrow my eyes.

"I wasn't laughing." He stands up properly again, walking towards me with a tilted head. "I don't mind if Lilah knows. She's a friend of both of us, she's going to find out eventually."

I intake a breath, finding comfort in his words. He wasn't going to murder me for letting Lilah know. "I knew that." I wave a hand, turning on my feet, though I'm stopped when a hand takes my wrist gently. The touch wasn't rough, and it didn't remind me off my father in any way.

My father.

The thought reminded me that I hadn't seen him in over a week. I wasn't necessarily complaining, I didn't feel safe with him anymore. He was the reason I had to quit my job at the bakery, he was the reason that I'd been kidnapped. He was the reason behind all my issues.

I needed to text him and ask what was going on. I didn't care to know, I just wanted to be sure of what was going on, whether he'd be coming back? Whether I needed to find a place to stay? Because nobody in their right mind would be letting a 17-year-old stay by herself. Hell, I couldn't even pay the bills to the house.

"Uh uh. I wanted to talk with you first, remember? That's what's got us in this mess to begin with."

Turning back around, I meet his eyes. "And what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Two things, love. First, I want you to tell me about your dad. I saw the text that say, I'm simply curious, nothing more. You don't have to tell me yet. when you want to, okay? Just keep it in mind." He pauses, seems to wait for a sign for me to continue. I give him a nod.

"Secondly, Come on a date with me. Tonight. If we're going to make this official, I want us to know more about each other. Properly learn about each other. What do you think?"

A smile makes its way onto my lips. He smiles back at me.

"I'd like that. And as for my father, I'll get around to it. I'm not to sure myself." I reply gently.

"Thank you. Thank you, love." He lifts his hand, almost like he would caress my cheek, but he drops it by his side instead. This was the Heath I liked, the kind one, the one that didn't care to upkeep expectations. "Wear what comfy. Think fancy but not restaurant kind. Simple fancy, got it?"

I let out a laugh. "Fancy but not restaurant fancy. Makes a lot of sense."

"Yeah, it does." He smiles back, chuckling. "I'll drive you back to your house. Then I'll pick you up after. I have to get changed myself."

And then I nod, turn on my feet and begin walking, Heath following behind closely.

For once, I was excited.

 Authors noteee.

I think we've only got one or two chapters left, loves. :') Bittersweet. I'm extremely excited to write the sequel though. I think it's going to be even better then this one.

I love you!

WORD COUNT: 1231. 

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