Chapter seven: Silly string.

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*Mika's pov. *

Just as I'm about to settle onto my bed, I hear the front door slam open.

My skin crawls with anxiety but, I stand up and begin walking out of my room and up the hallway.

Instead of the expected Dad, I find an agitated Heath. A fuming Heath.

I open my mouth to say something, but it doesn't come out, instead he says something.

"Could you give me a ride home? Some fucking idiots trashed my bike, and I can't ride it when it's that messy."

"Trashed your bike?" I tilt my head. "What'd they do to it?"

I watch as his jaw ticks.

"Silly string. Everywhere." The urge to laugh rises in my throat.

"Everywhere?" I can't help but smile.

"It's not funny, Mika." A low groan comes out of his mouth.

"Oh, but it is, it definitely is." I laugh softly.

"Are you going to help me, or not?" He asks.

"Sorry. Yes, I will. Well, I can try to. I can't drive, but we could walk together?" He groans again.

"Fine." He grumbles. He always grumbles.

"I'll be right back, let me just get my bag." I walk down the hallway and into my room. I find my bag still sitting on my bed, exactly where I left it. Then I walk back to Heath.

"Let's go?" I nod in return, then walk out the door and keep it open indicating him to follow me.

After he exits the house, I lock the door and start walking down the driveway the I stop and turn to him.

"Are you going to bring your bike with you? You can't leave it here so..." I trail off.

"Of course, I'm bringing it. I'll just have to wheel it or something." I give him a nod.

"Okay. That makes sense, I don't know what I expected you to do." A soft, awkward laugh escapes my lips.

This time it's his turn to nod. He walks over to his bike then kicks up the stand and begins wheeling it over. I don't know much about motorbikes, but this one looks nice.

We begin walking to his house. He said that the walk is only about twenty minutes from mine on foot, so not too bad.

Awkwardly I try to make conversation.

"So...How do you plan on cleaning it? I mean, I'm assuming something like this has happened before." He looks at his bike then at me.

"It has happened before. I'll just sponge it with some soapy water, that normally does the trick."

"Oh, well, at least you know how to get it cleaned."

Of course, he knows how to clean his own bike, you baboon.

I mentally slap myself in the face at my dumb comment.

"That sounded stupid, sorry." This earns a glare. maybe he doesn't want to make conversation? I decide to stop talking and let the awkward silence slowly kill me.

Soon enough, we arrive at his house. The silence on the way there slowly became less awkward, definitely not comfortable, but not uncomfortable.

I stop walking when we get to the end of his driveway. He turns to me.

"Um, would you like to come in and have something to eat? My Mum will have cooked something." A small, but noticeable smile hints at my lips.

"Sure." I can't help my smile; I haven't had someone's home cooked food in ages.

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