Chapter one: knocked up.

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*Mikas pov*

I'm headed to the library, at this point it's part of my routine. Something about the space is so calming, like a second home. After a bit of walking, I make it to my destination.

I walk into the building and look at the beautiful glory of all the books. Books are also my comfort, I see them as an escape, I can travel to places that won't hurt me, places that can't hurt me.

I walk into the romance section; did I mention I'm a sucker for love? Well, I am. you could call me a hopeless romantic, I think that fits well. Anyway, I walk down the aisle until I reach the book I'm looking for, picking it off the shelf I take a moment to glace at the cover. I saw the book online and thought I'd give it a go.

With that I begin walking back out of the aisle, still looking down at the book cover. When I tell you I hit a hard mass, I mean I hit a hard mass. Without thinking, I glance up to be met with the cold gaze of none other than Heath Peterson. I gasp.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry." I bite my lip when I'm met with nothing but his cold stare.

He's the bad boy of the school I go to. The exact replica of the ones you see in the books. dark hair, dark clothing, and he wouldn't be a bad boy if he wasn't tall as hell. I think I was staring at him for a bit too long, because his gaze turns harder, I clench my jaw in an anxious manner. 

He tilts his head at me before walking off, not giving a single acknowledgement, except for a rude knock on the arms as he walks past. How am I going to tell my dad I've been knocked up? I giggle slightly at my own joke then I remember I'm in a public place, I quickly glance around seeing if anybody saw me. I let out a sigh of relief when I see nobody's looking.

Clutching the book tighter, I walk over to the desk Ms Johnson sits at.

Ms Johnson is the kindest old lady, she's the kind to give you milk and cookies if you show up at her house, good cookies to, not the bad kind. She owns the library, its part of the reason I like this place so much.

I place the book down on the counter and begin talking.

"Good morning Ms J, how are you?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"I'm doing good, honey." she smiles softly at me, it's comforting. "How are you? I remember you telling me you had a disagreement with your dad, I hope you got that worked out."

I wince at the memory. I honestly don't know why I still let our fights get to me, I'm used to them. I continue smiling though.

"I'm fine, and yes, I did get that all worked out," I didn't, but she doesn't need to worry about that. I didn't even go home; I had enough money accumulated from the job I have at the local bakery to stay at a hotel. The fight was over something so stupid too, he got mad because the food he wanted to have for dinner has tomato in it, I'm allergic to tomato, and you'd think that my father would remember that but no, he didn't.

Ms J smiles a little wider. "I'm happy that you got that worked out, it would be a shame if you hadn't." she scans my book then hands it back to me. " Have a good day, darling."

"You to." I smile at her before turning to the exit and walking right on out of the library.

Why do I get a feeling today is going to be a strange day. I guess I'm going to find out. With that I begin walking in the direction of the school, oh how I hate Mondays.

Authers noteee

Hello to everyone that's reading this :) 

I just thought I'd say a few things to the (likely small amount of my) lovely readers.

This is the first chapter to An eternity of love and I know it's kind of short (and boring) but I promise the future chapters will be longer and more interesting.

Also thought I'd mention that I'm Australian so if any words are spelt strangely its probably just the Australian way of spelling that word.

Thank you if you are reading this.

WORD COUNT: 761 *insert apologies*


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