Chapter four: Act normal..

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*Mika's pov*

I wake up the next moring with a tear-stained face. Memories come flashing back to me.

Stop being a baby, Mika. It was just a small slap. Suck it up.

After my extended moment of thinking, I glance at the clock. 8:45. Shit I'm going to be late.

Standing from my bed, I walk into the bathroom and take care of my business, brushing my teeth, doing my hair, things like that. Then I walk over to my dresser and pull out some flair leggings, and an oversized hoddie. I can't be bothered putting in effort today, I'm over tired, excruciatingly tired, to be completely transparent. 

After I finish getting dressed into my previously picked outfit, I pick up my tote bag from the floor and walk down the hallway. 

I think back and come to the conclusion that dad didn't come back home last night. I'm not sure if I should be glad, or worried. He is my dad after all, even after what he did last night. Blood doesn't change from one, tiny slap.

In-taking a shaky breath, I move to exit the house, twisting the doorknob and walking out shutting and locking it behind me.

I decided against breakfast, I feel too sick to eat anyway.

Thinking back to the events of last night I realise I have to call Sandie my boss. No time like the present. Or whatever they say.

I pull my phone out of my bag and press on her contact; it rings for a moment then she picks up. Placing my happiest tone on I say,

"Hi, Sandie. It's Mika, I was just calling to ask if I could pick up some extra hours? I've been thinking about how much I love this job and I really would love to spend more time on it."

Everything that just came out of my mouth was a lie, well, most of it, I do love the job, but I really don't have the extra time to spend on it.

If it's what my dad wants than it's what I have to do. I'd rather not run into another incident that holds the same outcome.

"Oh, hi, Mika, I don't know if the bakery has anymore shifts that need filling. Sorry honey."

My heart drops. What am I supossed to tell my dad?

"Oh...Well, thank you for telling me. Could you let me know if any shifts open up?"

"Sure, honey, I'll be sure to do that. Is that all you wanted to know?"

"Mhm, thank you again. Bye, Sandie."

"Bye!" With that she hangs up.

What am I supposed to do now? I can't just tell my dad that she didn't have any shifts left open, he'll think I'm lying.

With a sigh I place my phone back into my bag and walk up to the school building. My first class is chemistry so I'll have to talk to Mr Mason about changing project partners.

After putting my stuff in my locker, I begin walking to class. Soon enough I arive and walk over to the teachers desk with a smile, a fake smile, but a smile none the less.

"Hi, Mr Mason. I need to talk to you about the project, I have to switch partners." He narrows his eyes at me.

"And why would you need to do that?" My eyes widen.

"Uhm, personal reasons."

"Look I'm sorry, Mika, but if you can't give me a good reason then I can't change your partner." I take a deep breath.

"Please? I really need to and I can't give you the reason."

"Let me guess, you don't like Heath? Is that it?" Hes staring at me intently.

"No, its not. I- I just cant tell you." My voice is small, shaky."

"If you can't give me a reason then I can't change your patner. Thats the rules." He says firmly. I know I'm not going to get anywhere with this.

"Okay, thank you.." I sigh then turn on my heel and walk over to my desk, only to find Heath sitting in the space next to me waiting to work on te project. Damnit.

I take a seat next to him. He breaks the silence first much to my suprise.

"What did you ask Mr Mason about?" I gulp.

"Just...stuff." I smile sheepishly. He narrows his eyes and opens his mouth then closes it again.

"Hm." His gaze is calculating, like hes trying to work me out. I don't like it. "Right," he sounds unconvinced. "the project?"

"Yep." I nod quickly, happy to change the subject.

Soon enough we're in the same patten as last night. Hes writing and I'm speaking.

~Time skip~ *Heath's pov*

I walk into the cafeteria. Lunch started a little while ago so most seats are taken up. I roll my eyes when I see that the only free seat is next to her.

I walk over to her with a groan. Sitting next to her, she looks up from her book with a confused look as if to say 'why are you sitting her?'

"There was no other free seats." I mumble. I'm fucking sick of whatever the universe is doing right now. First, she bumps into me in the library, then partners, now this. So fucking sick of it.

"Oh..." She say softly, her voice small. This makes me tilt my head. She seems sad. I mean I don't know much about how she normally acts, but from what I saw yesterday, she wasn't like this. It makes me want to ask what happened or 'are you okay?' But I don't. I don't want her to think I care, because I most definetly don't.

I take a look at the front cover of the book shes reading. It reads: A million kisses in your lifetime. she really does love romance.

By now her gaze is already back on her book, so I chose to ignore her. I'm pretty sure people who read don't like having their reading interupted anyway.

I take a bite of my sandwich, then I glance at her, inspecting her. Long light brown hair, brown eyes. typical, quite frankly boring. Her cheeks turn a tilt of pink, a confused look falls on my face.

"Why are you blushing?" It's a straight-forword question, not that I care to know why she's blushing.

"You're staring at me." She whispers.

"So?" I am staring at her.

"So. it's weird." Her eyes widen and she covers her mouth. "Oh my god! I'm sorry, that came out wrong. Sorry, I didn't mean you were weird, I meant its kinda strange that you're staring a-" I cut her off.

"It's fine. I didn't even take it that way." I grumble.

"Oh.." Her face reddens even more. She then gulps and begins to pack up her things.

"What on earth are you doing." She looks at me confused.

"I thought you'd want me to leave?"

"No, you were here first. Why would I make you leave?"

"I dont know...I've finished eating anyway so I'll just go." She continues to pack up and before I know it shes left the cafeteria and is speed walking down the hallway, and before I have time to think through what I'm doing I'm speed walking after her.

Whats wrong with me?


Authors noteee

Okay everyone, calm down, this is a slow-ish burn and I know that this seems fast pased but I promise it's not. Shit will go down next chapter and that will cause a set back. 😭

Anywayyyy, how are we liking the book so far?

Love ya'll :)


An Eternity of Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें