Chapter 19: A necklace.

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*Mika's pov. *

I let out a sharp gasp when the tip of the man's knife meets the skin of my cheek for the second time in the past five minutes. The first one being a test. A test to see if it was enough to make me speak. About what? I still don't know. He refused to tell me until I answered his questions.

He chuckles as he places the sharp object down and leans closer to me, putting each of his hands on the arms of the chair I was currently attached to.

The only clue I had about why I was here was the questions. He kept asking about my dad. His financial issues. It had nothing to do with him so, like any other person would do for their parent, I refused to answer.

The sadistic grin on his face was creeping me out, like he was enjoying hurting me.

"Let me try this. Tell me, what job does your father have at the moment? Is he currently employed?" He asks carefully, slowly, almost as if I was a toddler and needed to understand something.

"I-" I gulp down the bile rising in my throat, letting free the tear sitting in the edge of my eye. "I don't understand why you're asking me thee questions." A small string of snot drips down my nose, unable to wipe it, I shake my head. Only he takes this as an answer no to answering the question.

I watch timidly as he picks up the small knife walking closer to me.

"Please don't-" I take a deep gasp, trying to convince him to just let me go.

"Just answer the question..." He draws out, reaching forward.

I couldn't understand why he wanted to hurt me. Why my father was so important to him. Why he had to hurt me. And most of all, why I was protecting my father.

"Fine! God! Fine." I take a gasp of a breath, trying to spit out my knowledge before he gave me another cut, a deeper one. "He doesn't have a job right now. I'm not sure what happened, he won't tell me anything. I promise you whatever he did I didn't have a part in it."

Taking a sharp quick breath, he drops the knife to the ground. "I don't believe a word you say. Your father is a lying asshole who won't pay me the money I need. If you would've just made some money, worked a better job this all could have been prevented. It's your fault."

My eyebrows furrow, forming a V when they come together. "W-what money?" I question, slightly curious, partly afraid.

"The drug money. I gave him coke. He didn't pay." My lip's part, eyes widening.

"Drugs?" I whisper out the words. I always knew he liked alcohol I didn't think he'd ever gone that far though. Not once had I even thought about that. "When?"

My hands shake as I await an answer.

"When?" He asks back, bending over to pick up the knife.

"When did he start buying?"

"Couple months back. Said he needed the help to deal with you." He chuckles.

With that answer I le tout a sigh of relief or anger, maybe even pain.

He didn't have an excuse for hitting me. It only started about a week back. That was after he started the substance.

He didn't have an excuse.

Fresh tears drip from my eyes, the one that falls from my right eye mixing with the small droplets of blood on that cheek, causing a small sting.

"Oh? Did that hurt your small little feelings? Aww. Too bad."

I take in a shaky breath, anger fuelling my thoughts, fuelling everything I wanted to do, but I knew I wouldn't have the power to do it, I knew I wouldn't be able to even try. My hands being tied to the chair.

"Let me go. Please. I don't understand why you're keeping me here. I'm of no use. I didn't even know my dad was using drugs! Please!" My whispers turn to shouts as I try to catch the attention of any of the public. I had assumed that we weren't in a basement of any kind because of the lightness in the room, even without the ceiling light on.

"Such a stupid girl. I'm trying to lore your father here. I want him gone, likely you too." He tilts his head in a mocking manner. "Oh, are you getting sad?"

Another tear falls from my eye, an angry one. I couldn't handle any more of this. I can't do this. I. can't. do. It.

My brain overflows with all the new information. The pain on my right cheek. The repetitive tears falling from my eyes. My lungs barely intaking breaths. I'd had enough. And apparently my body had to.

I faint.

*Heath's pov. *

I drive for what feels like forever. Likely getting a speeding ticket along the way.

Though, when I finally do arrive at a place I do know, I take fast steps toward the door, trying to rip it open.

Fucking locked.

I look around the area, trying to find something in sight. Easy to get to. When I don't find something, I run back to my parents' car, since I had decided to take theirs instead of my motorbike, opening the back seat door, trying to find absolutely anything.

A necklace.

A necklace mum hadn't quite got in shop yet.

I rush my way back over to the door, taking a sharp breath as I try to pick the lock.

It unlocks and I bust it open, not even trying the actual knob, much like the idiot I am. And it hurts, but I was too concerned about the other stuff going on to even worry about my shoulder pain.

I glance up, seeing Mika passed out in a chair. And not the masked kidnapper I had expected. No. It was someone I knew all too well.

"Heath?" He whispers.


Authers noteee.

What do we think...?

I'm sorry that this chapter isn't too eventful. I just wanted to show a little more into Mika's emotions.

ALSO, a little personal update. I'm reading A thousand boy kisses. Haven't stopped crying. :'(



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