Chapter 23: Friends? No.

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*Mika's pov. *

I was warming up to Heath, maybe a little to fast. I'd stayed at his house the night after he cleaned my wound, about a week ago. And maybe the reason I'd taken a liking to him was because of the whole saving situation. I mean, I didn't think I was going to die exactly, just...

Well, maybe, I was a little dramatic and thought I was going to die.

It's all beside the point though. The point being, I think I wanted a friendship with him, just the simplicity of having a friend would be nice, what better person then someone who knows that I was kidnapped for a day.

Not even Lilah and Ezra knew, unless Heath told them.

I let out a sigh, walk into the school doors and make my way to my locker, like every other day. I had taken a week off school, letting my body simmer down and process everything that had happened.

My brain was running constantly still, it felt like it was on loops of the same exact thing. Not even a moment, it was just looping with thoughts I don't even process.

I was zooned out; I'd spent the past week like that. Though I was still processing everything happening around me, I could answer questions, do normal tasks.

It just felt strange.

Like I needed to cry but couldn't. Like I needed to breathe, but my chest was constricted. I just wanted to get through high school with no issues, but everything had gone wrong. What I had originally wanted was to read trough my lunches, get good grades, focus on study's.

But none of that had worked out like I'd wanted. Last year my mother had died. this year my father had turned some kind of abusive. Could I even call it that though? I have not a single clue. I have a (friend?) that is bipolar and confusing. Everything felt out of place. Like nothing I wanted for myself, and it had sent me down a deep rabbit hole.

I'm cut out of my deep thoughts by the sound of a teacher talking to me. I let out a breath of frustration when I take in her words.

"You were supposed to be in class fifteen minutes ago, hun. You better get going before people start thinking you're skipping." And just with those words, I grab my books and rush off down the halls.

I come to a halt when I spot Heath standing outside the building, leaning against the wall and looking out into the distance with a look of confusion on his face.

Just five minutes.

I'll talk to him for just five minutes and then I will go to class.

My legs carry me out of the building doors, and I walk over to him, my hand lifting only to tap him on the shoulder, making my presence known. I lean against the wood wall next to him.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I ask, shifting on my feet.

His head tilts back against the wall before rolling over to look at me, his head tilted down slightly as he gazes at me, almost like he was examining my face. "Shouldn't you be, too?" He raises an eyebrow as he speaks in a soft, zoned out tone.

"Technically, yes. But I asked you first." My eyes narrow, arms crossing. I direct my gaze to the building in front of us, feeling his eyes on the side of my face.

"Yes. Yes, I should be in class too. I had thinking to do, I needed to categorise my thoughts. Why aren't you in class?"

I look at him this time. "Same kind of thing. I was just not doing it on purpose."

He hums, looks away and so I do the same.

"Your cheek's healing well." This was awkward. I was awkward.

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