Chapter ten: under baked cake.

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*Heath's pov. *

I watch as Mika enters the classroom and walks over to Mr Mason's desk, then after a moment of talking she comes over and sits next to me. She seems to pause for a moment before spitting out what seems to be on her mind.

"I need your help," she says, with a smile.

A low groan exits my throat.

"With?" She seems awfully amused. I hate it. "What's so amusing?"

"Oh, nothing. Anyway, I need your help finding a job." I open my mouth to interrupt but she shushes me. "Shh, I don't want your help specifically, I just know that your family happens to have a lot of involvement with the city, so my thoughts are, that you'd know some of the open jobs in this area?"

My head nods slowly. "I do..."

"Great!" She chirps.

"I thought you already had a job? What happened to that?" I question.

"I got...fired because I," She pauses, "gave a customer under baked cake and they got sick." She nods unconvincingly.

"Sure." My eyes narrow. "What kind of job were you looking for? Like customer service or..?"

"Definitely customer service. I also really need good pay. I don't mind if I have to work extra hours."

"Okay, well, my mum owns a jewellery store at the mall, and my dad works at the corner store he's a co-owner, its near my house so, kind of close to yours. I don't know too many other places." I say with a tilt of the head.

Her eyes seem to light up. "Oh, thank you, Heath!"

If you ask me, she's being way to enthusiastic. Like, way.

"The project? You ready to get started?" I change the subject.

"Yes, of course." Her smile turns softer.

~Time skip~ *Mika's pov. *

Chemistry just finished. I think Heath and I made some progress, both in our 'friendship' and our project.

I walk down the hall, headed to my locker when I feel a tap on the shoulder, so I turn around to be met with Ezra. My head tilts to the side. I think he's one of Heaths friends. One of his only friends.

"Uh, hi." I wave my hand in an awkward manner.

"Hi, I'm Ezra, Heaths friend. Best friend." He elaborates with a random hand gesture. "Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to come to a party, we're throwing for Heaths birthday? I know you're not really...Friends with him, but I'm inviting most of the higher grades." He smiles.

"I would, but I don't think he would want me to be there. We aren't what I'd call friends." My attempts to politely decline the offer fail.

"See, he doesn't even know we're throwing it, so I'm sure he'd be fine with it if you came."

I think about it for a moment. What's the worst that could happen?

"Sure, I'd love to come."

"Perfect! Well, I'll catch up with you later about the details. I gotta go find Lilah." He goes to walk of before turning back to me. "My girlfriend."

A soft laugh leaves my mouth. "Thank you for the clarification." With that he turns and leaves.

I continue my way to my locker to pick up stuff for my next class.

~Time skip~

School finished about half an hour ago. I'm on my way to the mall, I decided that the best job to go with would be working with Mariana, since she's the owner and she kind of knows me, I would have a higher chance of getting the job.

When I arrive at the entrance of the mall, I come to the realisation that I don't know what her shop is called. So, I pull out my phone and text Heath.

Me: Hi, I was just wondering what the name of your mums' store is?

Heath: Mariana's jewels.

His response was short, but that was all I needed.

I head into the mall and quickly spot the store Heath was talking about.

My steps slow when I get closer and spot Heath. What did I expect? It's his mothers' store.

I slowly slip through the open doors and walk over to the front desk, where Mariana herself was sitting while talking to her son. I stand there patiently waiting for them to notice me.

Heath notices me first, then looks back to his mother and says something. Mariana instantly turns around to face me.

"Hi, dear. What can I do for you today." She smiles. My cheek falls between my teeth, and I bite down.

"Um, I was hoping I could get interviewed for a job here? I understand if now's not the time."

"No, no, come with me. I'll ask you a few questions." Her smile stays on her face. It's a warm, very kind smile. Makes me wonder why Heath acts the way he does.

She takes me to her office, and gestures for me to take a seat. I do and she takes one opposite me.

"Okay, I guess I just get straight into the questions. I'll start with this; Tell me about yourself, what do you do in your spare time? I'm sorry if these questions seem strange, I don't do job interviews often." She laughs, it causes a smile to fall onto my lips.

"Uh, I like to read, listen to music, I write the occasional poetry." Her head tilts.

"Poetry. That's interesting. I didn't take you for a poet."

"Yeah, I don't think I look like what you'd expect from one. But like I said, I don't write often, only when I have an idea."

"From what I know of you so far I'm sure you've written some great stuff."

Soon enough, she's finished interviewing me.

"I'll just tell you now, Mika, you've got the job, it wasn't anything you said, but you showed that you keep calm demeanour even in situations you aren't comfortable in. That's a main trait you need to walk in customer service." She smiles.

"Thank you. Thank you for giving me the job." I smile back.

"Well, I'll print out a calendar for you so you can start tomorrow! Oh, and do you prefer morning or afternoon shifts? Because I know you have to work around school."

"I'm fine with either, but Morning works best for me."

"Morning it is." She walks over to her computer and types out a few things before a printer starts to print out something. Then she comes back over to me and hands me the paper. "Here's your roster. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I'll see you then too." I turn to leave but she stops me.

"Heath also works in the mornings. You two will be on the shift together."

My body freezes but I attempt to smile. "Of course."

I then turn and leave.

Heath and I working together? Oh no.

Authers noteee

This where everything begins :0

I also want to say that Heaths party isn't going to go how you think. It won't be the grape scene that's in every cliché book. That's not to say that the trigger warnings are wrong though.

Just thought I'd tell you all, I don't want you to think I support romanticizing that kind of stuff. :)



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