Chapter 17: I didn't regret it. Not one bit.

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*Mika's pov. *

Heath just kissed me.

Heath is still kissing me. His unexpectedly soft lips moving against mine.

Everything in me is telling me to pull away but his lips are perfect. I want to keep kissing him. I want him to keep kissing me. I really wanted him to keep kissing me.

And just as fast as the kiss started, it had finished. My breathing rapid and my cheeks pink, much like his.

He was staring at me, staring at me like he didn't know what he just did. Why he did it.

I'm staring at him with the same look.

I can't believe what I'd just done.

On the bright side, my panic had gone. My anxiety had evaporated and there were only two things I wanted in that moment; to get the heck out of this room, hell, get out of the entire building. Or kiss him again.

"Heath-" I breathe out, though getting cut off by his voice.

"It was the only thing I could think to do." He chuckles, not in a humours way though. He was mad. At me? I wasn't sure yet.

Taking a breath, I speak again. "Do you regret it? Regret doing that?" I ask the stupidest question possible.

"Yes." He says blankly. "Of course, I regret it. I shouldn't have done that."

My heart sinks. Of course, he regrets it.

I intake a breath, oxygen fully filling my lungs for the first time since the teacher called on me.

My mouth opens as I attempt to say something. I fail. So, I slide out under his arms, my feet moving me towards the door. Just as I'm about to leave, I speak up.

"Don't bother regretting it, I'm doing another for the both of us." I don't turn to look at him. I just move forward, opening the door and exiting the room, back into the cold hallways of the school.

I'm doing enough for the both of us.

~Time skip~ *Heath's pov. *

I didn't regret it. Not one bit. Never.

I wanted to regret it. For the sake of my mother, my job, Mika's job.

She was now in every aspect of my life, and I wanted her to stay there. But I have to follow what my mum wants. She doesn't want me messing with Mika.

So, I'm stuck. Do I follow what my Mum- my parents- want, or do I do what I want at the risk of ruining Mika. Shredding her to pieces.

I'm waiting for Mika to show up to see my mum. Am I supposed to be here? Hell no. I don't even want to be here, but I need to talk to Mika. I need to say something so at the very least we can be friends.

I seem sappy and stupid right now. I really do. And as much as I hate it, I can't help but care.

*Mika's pov. *

After school finished, I began walking to Marriana's jewels, though I didn't go to any of my remaining classes, just walked around the school, kicked rocks as though I was a main character.

Pulling my phone from my pocket I dial Lilah's number, desperate to tell someone about the chaotic events of today.

Once she finally answers, after about nine rings, I speak. "Heath kissed me." My eyes widen when that falls from my mouth. I hadn't planned to say that, in fact, I hadn't planned to tell anyone at all. If anything, I was trying to forget about it.

"Who is this?" She mutters into the phone, her tone showing an evident amount of confusion.

"It's, uh, Mika." The only thing I get on the other end of the line is breathing, almost like the sound of two people, then rustling and, finally, a small, soft squeal.

"What? You, Mika, kissed Heath?" She squeals again, slightly louder. "When? How did it happen?"

"Well-" I take a pause, breathing as I walk across the street. "I'm not really sure. I was having a panic attack and then all of a sudden, his lips were on mine." I blink, waiting as I listen to silence. "Lilah?"

"Are you okay? Why did you have a panic attack?" She asks, her tone shifting from its excited tone to a concerned one.

"Yes, yes. I'm perfectly okay." Taking a breath, I step over a hole in the concrete path. "Who is breathing right next to the phone?" My tone is one of confusion, then I here more rustling.

"Ezra's being a freaking snoop again." Her tone makes me practically envision her eye roll.

"Ezra's there? He heard what I said?" A sigh falls from my lips, not a sad one, an angered one. Now everyone on the earth was going to know about this. Ezra is like the gossip king or something.

"Don't worry, he'll forget everything by the morning. The tired ass can barely even hear you." She lets out a small laugh.

"Why's he tired? Is he okay?" Then she laughs again, a loud, not soft at all kind of laugh.

"He's fine, Hun." She speaks through laughs, then I suddenly get it.

"Don't even tell me." Rolling my eyes, I decide to finish off the conversation. "I've got a meeting with Mariana. Talk to you soon, Lilah."

"Mhm, talk soon." She mumbles into the phone before hanging up, I take that as my sign to continue walking.

I take a glance at my watch and notice that after having that phone call I'm now officially running late. As if my job situation couldn't get worse.

Making a sudden decision at the time inconvenience I take the short cut, fast walking down a near alleyway. It was a good decision.

Until it wasn't.

A hand wraps around my face from behind and for some reason, I don't have the energy to struggle.

Authors noteee.


What do you guys think?

I'm very sorry for my lack of updates, I feel like I say this every time, but I've been busy. It's almost school holidays though so more updates? I'm also writing a lot in advance since I'm going on a holiday soon and I don't wanna be writing while there.

I hope you all are well, and I promise that all that happens in this chapter will make sense soon.


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