Chapter 11: What is this man's problem today?

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*Mika's pov. *

When I got home yesterday Dad wasn't home. I find it kind of sad the amount of relief I feel when I step into the house and don't see him. But it's what I feel, you can't help what you feel.

I'm currently getting ready for my first shift with Heath.

My shoulders roll back as I try to get rid of the anxiety that's sitting heavily on my chest. It's not that I don't trust Heath, I believe he can be kind if he tries, I just don't think he trusts me, let alone likes me.

I pick up my bag and begin making my way out of the house, not forgetting to lock the door behind me.

~Time skip~

I'm here in front of the mall, though I haven't gone in yet. It's so empty at this time in the morning. The only people here are the ones organizing their stores for the day. I'd have to guess that's what me and heath do. Fun!

"Come on, Mika. just walk in-" I cut off my words when I hear someone clear their throat behind me.

Oh god, I hope it's not Heath.

My head slowly turns, and my fears are confirmed by the face I see.

"Talking to yourself? Huh." He brushes past me and walks into the mall, not another word exiting his mouth.

Embarrassment hits me, in return my face reddens. I follow him into the mall, taking abnormally large steps to keep up with him.

We quickly arrive at Mariana's jewels it's still locked, that causes me to think.

"Is Mariana here?" I draw out the question, fearing the answer just a little bit.

"No. She lets me open since I'm her son and all. Why? Does that bother you?" His voice is gruff and deep, as usual. I'm going to be honest; I kinda like it.

With a deep breath that comes out as a sigh. "Not at all." My lips curl into a smile though it isn't the realist one I could give.

"Great." He then unlocks the door and steps in.

"So... I'm assuming we get the store ready for sales?" I ask. it was obvious I had no idea what I was doing.

"Yes. That's right. Just be carful if you're pulling out one of the glass displays, if you pull it to far it will fall out and smash. If you do that, I'll fire you." He grumbles.

What is this man's problem today?

"Could you show me how to? I'd like to avoid getting fired on the first day of the job if I could." My attempts at a joke fail. This is awkward so awkward.

"Fine." He walks over to the front desk and unlocks the cabinet beneath it. I follow him and watch. He then gets on one knee and pulls out the bottom plate, then pushes it up to lock it in. "There, you turn."

My feet move forward, and I kneel before attempting to pull one out. Heath comes up behind me and reaches around me, his arm touching to my side lightly, but just enough for me to feel it.

"You have to lift it first. Like this." He whispers from behind me as he presses his body further against my back to get his hands to the glass plate. His hands guide mine to pull up the plate before setting it down again, locking the plate in.

At this point I don't know if I'm still breathing, but if I am they're short and shallow. I can't focus on anything he's saying just the touch on my waist, my hands, my back. His stomach pressed against my back.

He moves away slightly, not too far, but his stomach isn't pressed to my back anymore. I turn my head slightly to look at him, his eyes meet mine.

I wait for him to do something, say something, move away, anything. He does nothing. Nothing at all. So, I do, I slid under his arms which were rested on the upper part of the desk and stand up.

"I think you're better at doing that." My arms make a random gesture at the glass plates and how you work them.

He grumbles in response and continues to pull them out.

My lungs intake a sharp, breath. I had a red, flustered face. Heath wouldn't have done that. He hates me.

I walk over to the cabinets and find something I know how to do.

~Time skip. ~

Mariana just got here and said we could go to school. I don't think it's possible to explain the amount of relief I felt.

Even though nothing happened the tension in the air was incredibly thick. It didn't help that we didn't say a single word to each other. We waited for the other person to say something so neither of us did.

Both of us split off at the exit of the mall, in attempts to avoid each other, at least that's what I think he was doing.

I soon arrive at my locker, not ready for the long day ahead of me.

Authors noteee.

Hi my readers!!

I know that this is a shorter chapter, BUT it is jampacked to the best of my abilities. I tried :')

Anyway, how is everyone today? I hope you guys are well.

I've also noticed that we have some new readers and I'm literally so thankful for you guys and all your lovely comments. I read them all.


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