chapter 12: stop acting like you're in love with her.

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 *Mika's pov. *

I'm currently walking down the halls to my locker in an obvious rush because I'm about to be late.

My feet take rushed steps forward and I quickly arrive in front of my locker, opening it I pick out my books for my first class, English.

When I shut my locker, a face pops up and I swear I have a heart attack.

"Hi, Mika." Ezra's standing there looking at my face intently. "I know you're probably trying to get to class right now but the party has had a change of plans and I need to get this message out to everyone by tonight so I'm kinda in rush." He seems stressed so I let him hold me up.

"What did you need, Ezra?" The question comes out in a soft tone.

"Look, Heaths parents have had to make some adjustments to when and where we're holding his party so now it's tonight." His mouth cocks into a sheepish smile.

"So...You want my help telling everyone or-" He cuts of what I was going to say.

"Yes! Oh my god, thank you, Mika!" He grips my shoulders and give them an excited shake.

"No problem, so, how many people do we have to tell?" I ask expecting less than 50. God I was wrong.

"Around 250. I was hoping you'd help me make some flyers or something so we can hand them out rather than just telling everyone and having to explain it. What do ya say?"

I take a deep breath. This would mean I'd have to skip class, which I hadn't done before.

"Sure." Then it dawns on me that I have absolutely no idea what to wear. It was probably a stupid idea to ask Ezra what to wea- "What should I wear? Like, what kind of stuff to people wear to parties?"

He seems to pause. "Have you never been to a party? Like ever?" Shock is evident on his face.

"No...I haven't. Is that a bad thing?"

"No, I mean, I just expected you to be a little more of a party girl." He shrugs. "Oh, and about the outfit issue, I'll get Lilah to take you shopping after school, yeah?"

"She would want to do that?" My voice is tentative.

"Yeah, of course! She's actually really excited to meet you." His smile is wide. For what reason? Who knows.

"Okay." I nod slowly. It might be nice, I guess. Going shopping with her.

"Let's go make these flyers. I know the pin to get into the teachers' photo copier." And with that he grabs my arm and starts pulling me along.

~Time skip~

It's currently lunch, it's a weird and awfully awkward one though.

Ezra has made me sit at their  table. By their table I mean Lilah, Ezra, and Heath are there.

With everything that happened this morning I'm sure you can tell what kind of glare I'm getting right now.

And to make matters worse I'm sat right next to Heath because Lilah and Ezra always sit next to each other. Right now, they're having conversation to themselves, so I somehow find a question to ask Heath.

"So, how long have you been working at you mums store?"

Yes. That was the question I thought of. Don't judge me.

He continues to glare at me. I think Ezra notices this, so he speaks up.

"Heath, stop acting like you're in love with her. Maybe you should give her more of a horrible look?" Sarcasm drips from his tone and Lilah lets out a soft laugh.

Heath looks as though he's unamused, but I can tell he is. Even if it's only by a small amount.

"I'm not in love with her. I don't even like her. Tell me again why she's sitting here? I think you left out the details."

I pretend to be hurt by his words by placing a hand to my heart. "Oh no! what will I do?" The words come out dramatically.

Ezra chuckles, Lilah laughs, Heath...Does whatever it is that Heath does.

"You still didn't answer my question; why is she sitting here." Heath asks again.

We couldn't exactly tell him because it was a surprise party, and this was only for me to get to know Lilah. Ezra was smart enough to come up with a reply though.

"Mika is like my best friend." He says in a 'duh' tone.

"You know, I thought I was your best friend?" Heath counters.

"You can have more then one, Heath." The 'duh' tone comes again.

And that's pretty much how the rest of lunch goes. Heath and Ezra going back and forth between the two of them. I do not understand how the two of them think of each other as friends. They bicker like it's the only thing to do.

~Time skip. ~

Soon enough, me and Ezra finish giving out the flyers to everyone, making sure to tell them all that it's a surprise party because we wouldn't want it spoiled.

The school day went by fast even though I skipped most of the school part of it.

I'm currently waiting outside for Lilah so we can go shopping.

If I'm being honest, I'm really excited to do this with her. I might be able to make a friend.

She comes into sight with a big smile on her face. In return the same kind of smile makes its way to my face.

"You ready to go?" She asks enthusiastically.

"Yes!" I reply with the same amount of enthusiasm.

Then we begin walking.

Authors noteee

Another shorter one :'(I swear the next one will be over 1000 words. But I feel like between 900 and 1200 is a good amount.

Anyway, how is everyone? I know I ask this all the time, but I like having a connection with my readers rather than not talking to you guys at all! If anyone wants to talk to me, you can. I'm pretty much always available.

As always: I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!


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