Chapter Twenty Seven - Deja-Vu

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Jackson's POV

What's that one saying?

"Nothing is certain in this life except for death and taxes."

Benjamin Franklin said that in the Constitution, I think. I'm like 99% sure, at least.

Anyway, there is one thing that Benny Boy forgot in that statement. Not his fault. He was a busy guy with a lot on his mind. What he should have said is:

"Nothing is certain in this life except for death, taxes, and the fact that Jackson Hart is married to the most frustratingly stubborn woman in existence."

I mean, Jesus Christ! I love her with my whole being, nothing will ever change that. But my god if she doesn't dance on that thin line between absolute adoration and homicidal rage.

And I know that Jet has a huge heart and that she would never do anything to me with ill intentions and everything that she does is to try to buffer the pain that life gives us. It's one of my favorite things about her. The fact that she has been through so much and it didn't turn her into a cold and distant asshole. Quite the opposite, actually.

But Christ! If that doesn't make me want to wring her neck some days.

How was she about to go to this ultrasound and not even think to mention it to me? She said that she was just trying to protect me from getting hurt if something ended up being wrong, but even if they did find something wrong, I would have found out eventually and it would have hurt even more to know that she kept the appointment a secret. I can't fault her, though. Her brain is all messed up because of the hormones right now.

"Jackson!" Brian shouts, grabbing me by the center of the back of my T-shirt and yanking me back toward him.

The world comes back into view instantly: a rainy and cool spring morning, a busy DC street, a red light, and my oblivious ass almost being flattened by this truck that lays on its horn. I raise my hand to apologize, to which the asshat in the truck flicks me off. The fuck?! I flick him off in response, yelling a good old-fashioned, "Fuck you! We all know you're compensating for having a tiny dick!" I sigh and settle back onto my heels, glancing over at the crosswalk signal that still shows a red hand. I glance over at Brian, who stares at me with furrowed brows and wide eyes.

"What?" I ask.
"Are you good, man?" he questions, his eyes doing a quick once over of me.
"I'm fine," I mumble, looking back at the signal.
"You sure?" he presses.
"Yep," I reply, popping the "p".
"Okay... sure... You almost just turned yourself into Flat Stanley, but sure, you're fine," Brian grumbles. "Keep lying, that'll do you real good."

I'm about to argue with him when the signal changes and Brian takes off across the street. Ah, fuck me. I push off after him, my legs yelling at me in protest. This is the longest run I've taken in a while. Not only have I been running my usual route with Brian, but I also ran from the house to our meeting point at the Mall. I needed to clear my head. I didn't sleep at all last night. I was too preoccupied with worry about the woman lying in my arms and the baby she's growing. The one that we get to meet today. The one that I'm horrified to lose. The one that makes me so anxious I feel like I could puke. The one Jet tried to hide from me.

Jesus, Jet is going to be the damn death of me.

"Jackson! Dude!" Brian yells again, yanking me back again as a semi pulls through the intersection I almost ran through.

Alright. I take that back. Apparently, I'm going to be the death of me.

"For fuck's sake, man! What the hell is going on?! You're acting like a suicidal pigeon right now! Trying to run your ass out into traffic..."
"Shit, sorry," I mutter, regaining my balance.
"What the fuck is happening?" he asks.
I open my mouth to answer when he cuts me off.
"And don't say nothing because something clearly is."
I sigh and rub my face with my hands, wiping some of the rain off of my skin, "Jet has her first ultrasound this morning."
"Okay... and?" Brian drags, urging me to continue, making a circular motion with his hand.
"And she didn't tell me about it and had no plans to until she accidentally let it slip during a panic attack last night," I finish. I glance over at him, cocking my eyebrow and waiting for his input.
"Oh," is all he says. That's it. Nothing else. Just "Oh."
"Oh?" I echo.
Brian stares at me with an unreadable expression, his mouth slightly hung open.

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