Chapter Sixteen - Misery

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"You're my wwwiifffeeee," Jackson slurs at me, leaning into my body.
"Indeed, I am," I reply, giggling. I pull his head into my lap and run my fingers through his hair.
"Like, I MARRIED you," Jackson announces.
"Indeed, I was there," I muse, smiling at his eyes that are totally out of focus.
"Mmmyyyy wwiiiffeeeee!!!" he sings.

"Oh my god, Jackson!" Penny snips. "We get it! She's your wife!"
"Hey! Don't yell at him!" I myself slur. "That's my hubbbbbbyyyy!!!"
"Hey! Don't yell at her!" Riley stumbles. "That's my girlllllfriend!"
"Hey, I raised that bitch. I made her into the woman she is today, I can yell at her whenever I want," I counter, nodding to myself.
"What she said," Jackson agrees from my lap, nodding and motioning with his hand.
"That'ssss not how this worksss," Riley howls.

"Riley, vita mia, I love you more than anything in this world, but if you don't stop yelling, I'm gonna kill you," Penny says desperately.
"Oooohhhh Penny's cranky!" I tease.
"No, Penny is annoyed that she got elected DD and has to drive your drunk asses home," Penny replies in a pissy tone.
"Hey, I've driven you home plenty of times, stop your bitching," Jackson counters from our spot in the back seat.
"He has a point, luce mia," Riley replies, defending Jackson.
"I hate all of you," Penny decides, trying to hide the fact that she's laughing.

We turn down our street as Jackson and I hum along to the Fall Out Boy song on the radio. Jackson reaches his hand up to trace my jawline, his eyes beaming with happiness. His fingertips trace across my lips, outlining the shape of my Cupid's bow. His hand wraps around the back of my neck, pulling me down to kiss him. His wonderfully addicting taste casts a spell on me. His pheromones are more intoxicating than the tequila. His skin warms the darkest part of my soul. His lips provide the perfect amount of pressure to make me feel his love all the way through my body so it shoots out of my toes.

We pull back and stare at each other. I run my fingers through his hair, absolutely entranced by the sight of him. The kiss has left me breathless. His hair is slightly messy, little bit of 5-o'clock shadow, his eyelashes thick and dark, his lips slightly agape and chapped, and the golden depth of his eyes enticing me.

And the way he looks at me; as if there is something in me worth looking at, as if I'm the answer to his prayers, as if I'm the only thing in the world that matters to him. He looks at me like I'm his world.

God, I want to fuck him.

"Are you guys staying the night?" I ask Penny and Riley suddenly, hoping they say no.
"No, we were gonna stay at our place together, for once," Penny answers.
Fuck yes!
"Yeah, since gramps is in town, we can actually spend the night together in our apartment for once," Riley proclaims, looking at Penny. "Instead of one of us staying with Jet and one of us staying in the apartment, we can both stay in the apartment!"
A stab of guilt gnaws at me, my entire mood shifting. I look out the window at the trees that have buds and slowly emerging leaves and focus on them.
"Good. That means we can make love very loudly tonight," Jackson snickers, jabbing at my ribcage with his elbow lightly.
I roll my eyes at him and shove his shoulder.
"For real, though, gramps. When are you finally coming home so we can get on with our lives?" Riley wonders.

My entire body tenses as I blink back the tears in my eyes. I gnaw on my bottom lip and avoid Jackson's gaze. I'm sorry that I'm so weak I can't be trusted to live alone. I'm sorry that I've ruined your life. I'm sorry I'm getting in your way. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Jackson shifts in my lap after swallowing hard.

"Actually, I quit," he announces, his eyes on me.

Penny slams on the brakes, throwing our bodies forward as we all snap our heads in his direction, jaws dropped.

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