Chapter Two - Homesick

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Jackson's POV

"Jackson!" she calls.
I turn my head and see her waving to me, "Jet? What are you doing here?" I ask. I start to walk in her direction, feeling a smile pull at the corners of my mouth.
"I missed you too much," she shrugs, smiling at me.
"Fuck, you're here? You're actually here?" I shout to her excitedly.
"Yes, Eros, I'm here," she laughs.

I can't help myself from running at her full speed, needing her in my arms. My entire fucking body aches for her. My entire body misses her. I need her. She's running at me as well, tears rolling down her face. Our bodies slam into each other, knocking the wind from our lungs. Her arms are wrapped as tight as they can against me as she shakes with tears. I hold her as close as I can, my arms threatening to crush her ribcage from the force. Her curves and angles fit into mine in a familiar way, completing me. I inhale her deeply, all of the stress and worry in my body melting away the second the lavender and linen hits my nose. I close my eyes and hide my face in her neck.

Fucking finally. I'm home.

"I love you so much, Jet," I mumble to her in her ear.
"I love you too, Jackson," she rasps, sniffling her nose.

I pull back just slightly from her to grab her chin and tilt her head up. I kiss her deeply, my heart doing that stupid fucking jig thing and my knees going weak. Still. Even after all of this time. Her arms pull me closer as she moans into the kiss, grinding her hips against mine. I drop my hands to her ass, pulling her into me. She pulls my bottom lip with her teeth making me groan.

Suddenly, there's a gunshot.

My eyes fly back open, shielding Jet's body with my own. They warned me of this, being the director. I look around and assess the scene as quickly as I can. But something is off. We're in DC, not Cleveland. It's then that I notice that Jet has gone limp in my arms. I relax my grip on her slightly, trying to figure out why.

"Hey, Jet, what's wrong?" I ask, panicking.
Her pupils are pinpoint and unmoving, her lips pale, her chest still.
"Jet?!" I shout, slowly lowering her body to the ground. "Jet! Hey! Wake up!"

Now that she's on the ground, I can see the blood pool from her head.

"Jet?!" I scream despretly, turning her head to look at the back of it, where the gunshot wound is. Blood spews from it. "Jet!!!" I shriek, my voice cracking as the panic overtakes me. I try to find a pulse on her neck, but end up finding nothing. "Jet!" I shake her aggressively. "Fuck! Jet! Please!"
"Bet you regret choosing your job over her now, don't you?" Matty fucking Borh sneers at me.
"Help us! Please!" I beg, applying pressure to the back of Jet's head. Her body is paling with each passing second in my lap.
"You chose this. You chose this job over her. You pulled the trigger yourself. This is all on you," Matty says, shaking his head.
"Jet! Jet, I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry!" I sob, pulling her into me. "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sor-"

I sit up abruptly, gasping for air. Frantically, I search for Jet's body on the bed next to me, the panic getting worse when I can't find her. I'm gapsing for breath, my heartbeat running 300mph in my ear, sweat dripping everywhere. But then I glance outside of my hotel room window at the Cleveland skyline. I wipe the sweat from my forehead while glancing at the clock on my bedside table. 4:28 am. The shirt that Jet accidentally left during her last visit lies next to me. I grab it and hold it to my nose, closing my eyes and taking a deep inhale of her. It's losing her scent, almost completely gone actually, but it's enough to get me out of my head. My breathing slows and my heart settles.

"Fuck..." I mutter, pulling my knees into my body.

I hug the shirt closer, wishing the owner was here instead of it. As my adrenaline continues to fall, my body begins to shake. The tears are coming next. I'm all too familiar with this process by now. After all, it's been happening every night lately. Every night that I spend alone.

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