Chapter Twenty - Protection

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"What're you doing in town, kiddo?" he asks.
"Why would I tell you?" I snap back, crossing my arms against my chest.
"Are you okay?" Jackson questions lowly as he sneaks an arm across my back, his hand resting on my hip.
"I'm fine," I spit, narrowing my eyes at my dad. "What're you doing on the other side of the bar? Shouldn't you be drowning in a bottle of gin right now?"
"Hey! Watch your fuckin mouth!" Andrew warns, taking a step toward me while shoving his finger in my direction.
"You want to take about five steps back away from her right the fuck now," Jackson all but growls.
"Or what?" Andrew challenges, "You'll kill me?"
Jackson tenses, his grip on me tightening, "You wanna find out?"
"Andy, go back in the fucking kitchen," my dad demands.

Andrew looks between myself and my dad before huffing and walking back through the door, Tony in tow. The few other customers that were here have left, getting the hint. It's just my dad, Jackson, and I. Classic rock plays over the sound system in the bar as we continue our stare-down. What the fuck should I say to him? What is there to say to him? Why the fuck did Tony and Andy call him Dad? Why is he here, sober, and looking... well... good?

"Who's this?" he wonders, nodding toward Jackson.
"That's Jackson, my husband," I say, cooly.
"Oh! You're married? That's awesome," he smiles back.
"Yeah, crazy, isn't it? Even after all of those years that you spent every day of my life telling me how worthless I was and how much of a mistake my existence was, someone actually loves me," I quip. Every passing second only fuels my anger. I'm pretty sure there would be flames shooting out the top of my head if that was possible.
"Okay, now that's not fair," he replies, crossing his arms.
"No, you know what wasn't fair? How much of a living hell you made my life," I argue. "You were my dad. You were supposed to love and support me and comfort me and make me feel like I could do anything. But instead, you beat me and treated me like dog shit on your shoe and made sure I knew how much of an inconvenience I was to you."

"Jet, you have that all wrong. I never did any of that," he laughs, shaking his head at me.
"I've seen the scars on her back. I've seen the look in her eye that she gets whenever someone raises their voice at her. Don't you dare fucking gaslight her," Jackson sneers, his grip becoming almost painfully tight.
"I'm not gaslighting her!" my dad scoffs. "Jesus, Jackson, I'm not sure how you haven't figured it out yet that she is dramatic as shit and over reacts to everything. She loves making me look like the bad guy. That's what she always did with Sandy, anyways."
"Quite frankly, I'm not interested in your side of the story, but thanks," Jackson retorts. "Come on, mon ange. He's not worth it," Jackson urges, trying to get me to stand.
"I'm not finished," I growl. I narrow my eyes. I want him to hurt like I do.
"Alrighty then," Jackson sighs, sitting back down.

"Why the fuck did they call you dad?" I ask.
"Cause I'm their father," my dad says, like it's obvious.
"Funny, I don't remember having any siblings," I counter, tilting my head to the side. The anger continues burning inside of me, eating me alive.
"That's because they're about 10 years younger than you. I had them with my second wife," he explains.
"Second wife?!" I exclaim. "Uh, what?!"
"You never knew about her, I didn't want you to tarnish things for me," he replies.
"Me??? Tarnish things???" I press. I scoff and roll my eyes. "You're fucking joking, right?"
"Jet, this isn't worth it, come on," Jackson pleas, trying to get me to stand again. I shove him off of me and keep my eyes trained on my dad. He has a punchable face. Such a punchable face.

"You're literally proving my point right now," my dad comments, raising an eyebrow at me. "Dramatic. Over reactive. Emotional."
"Sorry, how am I supposed to react when I find out my dad has a whole ass second family and two sons that you actually love and... what, do you own this bar?" I wonder, looking around. It looks exactly the same as the last time I was in it. Typical dive bar appearance. Classic rock posters. The like.
"Yeah, it's a family business now, I bought it from the old owners about five years ago," he answers.
"Family?" I ask, bursting out laughing. "Oh god... that's a good one. And, what, you're just sober now?"
"Yep. Got sober for my family."
"Oh, so they were worth getting sober for, but not me?"
"Pretty much."
"Oh, okay. Cool."
"Jealousy is an ugly thing, Jet."
"Not as ugly as fucking abuse, Dad."

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